Arm Wrestling Game Rules

One potential reason for difficulty in arm wrestling despite having good form could be a lack of specific arm wrestling training. Arm wrestling is a unique sport that requires specific training of the muscles used in the sport such as the forearms, biceps, and triceps.

Arm wrestling is a fun and exciting sport that people of all ages can do. If you would like to try this sport, you can become a member of the arm wrestling club closest to you.

What is Arm Wrestling?

Arm wrestling is a sport that results in two people facing each other on a specially prepared table, placing their elbows on the pads on the table, joining their hands and using force to lower the back of the opponent’s hand, that is, the outer part, to the level of the pad on both sides of the table or to touch it on the pad.

Arm wrestling is not a sport based solely on arm strength. It also requires technique , endurance and concentration.

History of Arm Wrestling

Arm wrestling is one of the oldest and most widespread sports in the world. Although its exact origin is unknown, B.C. There is evidence of arm wrestling competitions being held in ancient Greece and Rome as far back as the 2nd century.

In the Middle Ages, arm wrestling became a popular form of entertainment in taverns and festivals throughout Europe. Arm wrestling, considered a show of strength and skill, was also used in betting and gambling.

Arm wrestling as a modern sport developed in the United States in the 19th century. The first organized armwrestling tournament was held in California in 1952, and the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF) was established in 1962.

Today, arm wrestling is performed in more than 100 countries and watched by millions of people. The World Arm Wrestling Championship is organized every year by WAF.

Interesting Facts About Arm Wrestling:

  • John Brzenk, considered the strongest arm wrestler in the world, has become the World Arm Wrestling Champion 24 times.
  • Arm wrestling is a popular sport in Turkey, with more than 40 clubs and more than 2,000 licensed athletes.
  • Arm wrestling is not only a show of strength, but also a sport that requires strategy and mental skills.
  • Arm wrestling is a sport that exercises the whole body and helps improve fitness.

How to Play Arm Wrestling?

Arm wrestling is a sport played by two people facing each other on a specially prepared table, placing their elbows on the pads on the table and joining their hands. Your goal is to touch the outside of your opponent’s hand to the pad on the table.

Game rules:

  • Starting Position:
    • Both athletes sit on chairs opposite the table.
    • Elbows are placed and fixed on pads located on the table.
    • The hands are grasped with a specially designed arm wrestling apparatus.
    • Hands are placed behind the starting line.
  • Start:
    • The referee said, “Ready – Go!” gives the command.
    • Athletes can make moves after being given a command.
  • Win:
    • The game ends when the outer part of the opponent’s hand touches the pad on the table.
    • The first athlete to touch Pete wins the game.
  • Lazy:
    • Elbow lift off pad
    • Hand moving in front of the starting line
    • Free hand interfering with the opponent
    • feet off the ground
    • Hitting or pushing the table


  • A strong grip: Grasp your opponent’s hand firmly, but be careful not to crush your hand.
  • A straight wrist: Try to keep your wrist straight, without bending it.
  • Use arm strength: Push your opponent’s hand down using the strength of your arm, rather than your wrist.
  • Balance and coordination: Keep your body balanced and be prepared for your opponent’s moves.
  • Concentration: Do not lose your concentration throughout the game and be alert to your opponent’s moves.

How Many People Can Play Arm Wrestling?

Arm wrestling is basically a sport played by two people. A batsman and an opponent are needed. While the hitter tries to knock down his opponent’s hand, the opponent tries to resist the hitter.

However, there are also single and multi-person training and competition formats in arm wrestling :

Solo Works:

  • Static Strength: Exercises to strengthen wrist muscles.
  • Dynamic Strength: Exercises to improve wrist movements and coordination.
  • Technique: Exercises to improve different arm wrestling techniques.

Multiple Personality Studies:

  • Double Batter: A practice or competition format with a single opponent against two batters.
  • Team Challenge: Competitions held in teams of two or more people.
  • Free Competition: Competitions in which more than one athlete participates and the winning athlete is determined by elimination method.

In conclusion, although the most common format of arm wrestling is two-man , there are also opportunities to practice and compete alone and with multiple opponents. Different formats make arm wrestling even more enjoyable by providing variety according to training goals and skill levels.

How to Do an Arm Wrestling Point?

The concept of numbers is not used in arm wrestling .

This sport is based on winning in one go .

The winner is the athlete who first touches the outside of his opponent’s hand to the pad on the table .

There is no system such as earning more than one point in a round or total points .

A match is usually played best of 3 or best of 5 .

So, when an athlete wins 3 or 5 rounds, he wins the match.

In some tournaments , the elimination system is used.

In this system, the losing athlete in each round is eliminated and the last two remaining athletes face each other in the final.

Arm Wrestling Basic Rules

Arm wrestling is a sport in which two athletes face each other, resting their elbows on the table and trying to knock their opponent’s hand down with only wrist movements. It is a sport that can be done by people of all ages due to its simple rules and need for a small amount of equipment.

The basic rules of arm wrestling are:

1. Starting Position:

  • Athletes place their elbows on a specially designed arm wrestling table.
  • The hands are held tightly with thumbs interlocked and palms facing up.
  • Athletes’ elbows should not lift off the table.

2. Starting Sign:

  • The referee said, “Ready – Go!” gives the command.
  • Athletes cannot take action before the referee’s command.

3rd Competition:

  • Athletes can only move their wrists when trying to knock down their opponent’s hand.
  • It is forbidden to use other parts of the arm.
  • The referee monitors the athletes’ compliance with the rules and warns them if they commit a foul.

4. Winning:

  • The first athlete whose opponent’s entire hand touches the table wins the round.
  • The athlete who wins two rounds wins the match.

5. Lazy:

  • Elbows off the table
  • Using other parts of the arm
  • Pushing or pulling the opponent’s hand
  • Banging on the table or making noise

The basic rules of arm wrestling are quite simple. By learning these rules, you too can be ready to try this exciting sport.

Additional Information About Arm Wrestling:

  • Arm wrestling is a sport that tests athletes’ muscle strength, coordination and concentration.
  • Arm wrestling is a sport that exercises the whole body and helps improve fitness.
  • Arm wrestling is a sport suitable for people of all ages.
  • Arm wrestling is an international sport and the World Arm Wrestling Championship is held every year.

Arm Wrestling Equipment

Arm Wrestling Equipment

Arm wrestling is a sport played by two people facing each other on a specially prepared table, placing their elbows on the pads on the table and joining their hands. Your goal is to touch the outside of your opponent’s hand to the pad on the table.

The basic equipment required to play arm wrestling is:

Arm Wrestling Table:

The arm wrestling table must have a solid and stable structure and offer a comfortable position for both athletes. There should be pads on the table where the elbows will be placed and a starting line where the hands will meet.

Arm Wrestling Apparatus:

An arm wrestling apparatus is a device used to grip athletes’ hands. Arm wrestling apparatus is available in different sizes and shapes.

Other Equipment:

  • Stop clock: To measure game time
  • Referee chair: For the referee to sit
  • Scoreboard: To keep scores
  • Warming mat: For doing warm-up exercises

Arm Wrestling Table Features

Arm Wrestling Table Features

Arm wrestling is a sport played on a specially designed table. This table must have certain features to ensure that the competition takes place in a fair and safe manner.

The main features of the arm wrestling table are:


  • The table should be wide enough to allow two athletes to sit comfortably and place their elbows on the table.
  • Generally, arm wrestling tables are 100-120 cm wide and 70-80 cm high.


  • The table surface must be smooth and made of non-slip material.
  • This prevents athletes’ hands from slipping and getting injured.
  • Common desk surfaces include wood, metal and plastic.


  • Seats, which can be fixed to the table or freestanding, allow athletes to sit comfortably and secure their elbows on the table.
  • Seats should be adjustable according to the height and weight of the athletes.


  • Table corners and edges should be rounded or covered with soft materials.
  • This prevents athletes from head and body injuries.

Additional Features:

  • Some arm wrestling tables have specially designed compartments to accommodate athletes’ hands.
  • These pods help athletes keep their hands in the correct position and get a better grip.
  • Additionally, the tables may have stopwatches and electronic counters to track athletes’ performances.

A suitable arm wrestling table for arm wrestling competitions and training is essential to maximize the athletes’ safety and performance.

Additional Information About Arm Wrestling Table:

  • Arm wrestling tables are produced from various materials and in different sizes.
  • When making a selection, factors such as the athlete’s height and weight, competition or training environment and budget should be taken into consideration.
  • Tables used in professional armwrestling competitions must comply with the standards set by the International Federation of Armwrestling (IFA).

Arm Wrestling Terms

Arm wrestling is a sport played by two people facing each other on a specially prepared table, placing their elbows on the pads on the table and joining their hands. Your goal is to touch the outside of your opponent’s hand to the pad on the table.

Some basic terms related to arm wrestling are:

General Terms:

  • Arm Wrestling: A sport played by two people with manual strength.
  • Table Kick: A move of hitting the table to unbalance the opponent.
  • Starting Line: The line where the athletes’ hands are placed in the starting position.
  • Referee: The person who enforces the rules of the game and keeps the scores.
  • Pad: Soft ground on which the elbows are placed on the table.
  • Pete: The target point where the opponent’s hand should touch.
  • Turuka: Referee who explains the rules of arm wrestling.
  • Tournament: An arm wrestling competition in which more than one athlete participates.

Technical Terms:

  • Hook: A technique in which fingers are used to grasp the opponent’s hand.
  • Top Roll: A technique of pushing the opponent’s hand downwards by rotating the wrist outward.
  • Side Pressure: A technique of pushing the opponent’s hand outwards by applying sideways pressure.
  • Strap: Band used to fix the wrist.
  • Supination: The movement of rotating the wrist outward.
  • Pronation: The movement of turning the wrist inward.

Other Terms:

  • Amateur: A non-professional athlete.
  • Weight Category: Separating athletes into categories according to their body weight.
  • Foul: Acting against the rules.
  • Weight: The athlete’s body weight.
  • Match: A game played between two athletes.
  • Professional: An athlete who earns money from arm wrestling.
  • Athlete: A person who does arm wrestling.

Benefits of Arm Wrestling

Arm wrestling is not only a show of strength, but also a sport that requires strategy and mental skills. Arm wrestling can provide benefits in many ways:

Physical Benefits:

  • Strength and Endurance: Arm wrestling improves strength and endurance by exercising all forearm muscles and increasing grip strength. Especially the wrist, finger and forearm muscles work intensively.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Arm wrestling helps develop quick reflexes and correct hand-eye coordination. It is important to follow the opponent’s movements and react immediately.
  • Balance and Flexibility: Arm wrestling helps improve balance and flexibility. Practicing shooting and throwing techniques from different angles improves joint mobility and flexibility.
  • Bone Health: Arm wrestling can help strengthen bones and increase their density. Regular exercise also contributes to protection against bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Mental Benefits:

  • Concentration and Focus: Arm wrestling helps improve mental concentration and focus. During the competition, it is necessary to focus on the opponent’s movements and apply the correct strategy.
  • Self-Confidence: Success in arm wrestling can increase self-confidence and self-confidence. The feeling of pushing yourself and achieving can also boost your self-esteem.
  • Stress Reduction: Arm wrestling can help you relax mentally as well as physical activity. During a busy work schedule, arm wrestling is an effective way to relieve stress and clear your mind.

Other Benefits:

  • Socialization: You can meet new people and expand your social circle in arm wrestling halls.
  • Fun Activity: Arm wrestling is a sport that is both fun and exciting. It is an ideal activity to have a pleasant time with your friends or family.

Arm Wrestling Game Rules

Arm wrestling is a sport played by two people facing each other on a specially prepared table, placing their elbows on the pads on the table and joining their hands. Your goal is to touch the outside of your opponent’s hand to the pad on the table.

Game rules:

Starting Position:

  • Both athletes sit on chairs opposite the table.
  • Elbows are placed and fixed on pads located on the table.
  • The hands are grasped with a specially designed arm wrestling apparatus.
  • Hands are placed behind the starting line.


  • The referee said, “Ready – Go!” gives the command.
  • Athletes can make moves after being given a command.


  • The game ends when the outer part of the opponent’s hand touches the pad on the table.
  • The first athlete to touch Pete wins the game.


  • Elbow lift off pad
  • Hand moving in front of the starting line
  • Free hand interfering with the opponent
  • feet off the ground
  • Hitting or pushing the table


  • The concept of numbers is not used in arm wrestling .
  • This sport is based on winning in one go .
  • The winner is the athlete who first touches the outside of his opponent’s hand to the pad on the table .
  • There is no system such as earning more than one point in a round or total points .
  • A match is usually played best of 3 or best of 5 .
  • So, when an athlete wins 3 or 5 rounds, he wins the match.
  • In some tournaments , the elimination system is used.
  • In this system, the losing athlete in each round is eliminated and the last two remaining athletes face each other in the final.

Additional Rules:

  • Athletes’ nails must be cut and clean.
  • Athletes should not wear jewelry such as jewelry or watches.
  • Athletes must treat each other with respect.
  • Referee decisions are final.

Is there a trick to arm wrestling?

Unfortunately, there are some tricks in arm wrestling that are against the rules and aim to gain unfair profits . Some of these are those:

Cheat in Starting Position:

  • Shifting the grip: After grasping the opponent’s hand, sliding it towards the front of the starting line.
  • Bending the finger joints: By bending the finger joints, it is easier to grasp and control the opponent’s hand.
  • Elbow protrusion: Protruding the elbow towards the front of the table to gain more leverage to push the opponent’s hand downwards.

Cheating During Movement:

  • Hitting the table: Hitting the opponent’s table to unbalance them and distract them.
  • Using body weight: Putting your body weight on the opponent, using more force to push them down.
  • Standing up: Lifting your feet off the ground to gain more power and leverage over your opponent.
  • Free hand tackle: Pushing or hitting the opponent’s arm or wrist with your free hand.

Other Cheats:

  • Extending nails: Scratching or scratching the opponent’s hand by extending your nails.
  • Using oil or grease: Making it difficult to grasp the opponent’s hand by applying oil or grease to your hand.
  • Distraction tactics: Talking loudly or shouting to distract the opponent.

Remember: These tricks are against the rules and against the spirit of sports . It is important to fight honestly and fairly in arm wrestling .

To win in arm wrestling , strong muscles, correct technique and concentration are required. It is more important to improve yourself and improve your skills through exercise and training, without resorting to tricks .


  • It is important that you know the rules of arm wrestling well and follow them.
  • You must respect the referee’s decisions and not object.
  • It is important that you behave in a friendly and respectful manner with your opponent.

Arm wrestling is a fun and exciting sport . You can enjoy this sport by competing honestly and fairly , without resorting to cheating

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is arm wrestling all biceps?

    Arm wrestling is a complex sport in which many muscle groups work together. The biceps muscle plays an important role, but it is not enough on its own. To be successful, you need to develop your triceps, shoulder, trunk, wrist and forearm muscles and apply the correct technique.

  2. Are arm wrestlers really strong?

    Firstly, arm wrestling primarily relies on the use of upper body muscles. The biceps and triceps are two key muscle groups involved in generating force during an arm wrestling match

  3. Is arm wrestling bad for your arm?

    In the sport of arm wrestling, the great rotational force is applied to the upper extremity, which can result in muscle and tendon injuries in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints, and even bone fractures.

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