SlamBall Game Rules

SlamBall is a great sport for people of all ages. It is an exciting, challenging and beneficial form of exercise.

If you want to start SlamBall, all you need is comfortable sneakers and athletic clothing. There are many resources available to get you started.

What is SlamBall?

Slamball is an action-packed hybrid sport that blends elements of basketball, football, hockey and gymnastics. Thanks to the four trampolines in front of each basketball hoop, it allows players to score baskets by dunking from high.

How to Play Slamball?

  • It is played by two teams of four people.
  • Although it is similar to basketball, dunks earn more points.
  • Players try to put the basketball into the basket without it touching the ground.
  • The game is fast-paced and high-contact, blocking and collisions are part of the regular gameplay.
  • In Slamball, attack time is quite short, which requires quick decision-making and agility.

Interesting Features of Slamball:

  • Trampolines: They allow players to score baskets by dunking high and make the game even more exciting.
  • Scoring: Normal basketball shots are worth 2 points, but dunks from the trampoline are worth 3 points.
  • Physicality: The game is contact and collisions with blocks are normal.
  • Fast Play: Short attack time requires quick decision-making and agility.

Benefits of Slamball:

  • It attracts spectators as it is an exciting and fast-paced sport.
  • Being a combination of different sports, it develops the various abilities of the players.
  • It is a good cardio exercise due to its fast game structure.

SlamBall History

SlamBall is a relatively new type of sport that combines elements of basketball, football and hockey, is fast-paced and full of acrobatic moves. Played on a field covered with trampolines, SlamBall offers an exciting experience for both players and spectators.


  • Idea of ​​the Year 1999: The creator of SlamBall is Mason Gordon. In 1999, while working as a television producer, he dreamed of a sport that could be played in real life, inspired by basketball video games such as “NBA Jam” and “NBA Street.”
  • Sketch on Napkin: Gordon began to embody his dream with a simple sketch he drew on a napkin. This sketch depicted a basketball court covered with trampolines and a fast-paced game being played on it.

Process to Reach the Screens:

  • Television Deals: Gordon pitched his idea to investors and signed a two-season television deal with Spike TV in 2002. During this period, SlamBall appeared on the screens as an interesting sports competition.
  • Development of Rules: SlamBall continued to evolve its rules and game structure during the time it was first broadcast on television. The rules have been refined with player safety and fluency in mind.

Rising Popularity:

  • 2008 Return: SlamBall was on the agenda again in 2007 and returned to the screens in 2008 with a deal with Versus (now NBC Sports Network) and CBS. During this period, SlamBall became a popular sport in America.
  • Entering the Chinese Market: After 2012, SlamBall expanded into the Chinese market. With events held in China and local team formations, SlamBall has increased its popularity internationally.

SlamBall today:

  • Developing Infrastructure: Although SlamBall does not currently have a professional league structure, it continues to develop its infrastructure. SlamBall is promoted by organizing tournaments and exhibition matches.
  • The Excitement Continues: SlamBall continues to excite the audience with its unique rules, a field full of trampolines and acrobatic moves. With its fast pace and structure inspired by different sports such as basketball, football and hockey, SlamBall is among the new generation sports branches.

The Future of SlamBall:

Although the future of SlamBall is not yet clear, the potential of this sport is great with its exciting structure and innovative features. With technology development and increased investments, SlamBall can reach larger audiences and become a professional league in the future.

How to Play SlamBall?

SlamBall is a two-team sport that is an exciting mix of basketball and trampolining . Players try to slam dunk a basketball hoop on a court with a trampoline . SlamBall is a fast-paced, athletic and acrobatic sport and can be a fun activity for people of all ages .

Play ground:

  • SlamBall is played on a special court covered with trampolines .
  • The court is divided into two , similar to a basketball court , with hoops containing a hoop on each side .
  • Trampolines allow players to jump higher and perform more impressive slam dunks .


  • Each team has 4 players :
    • 2 forwards: Players who try to slam dunk to score points.
    • 2 guards: Players who pass the ball to the forwards and receive the ball from the opponent.
  • Players must wear protective equipment (such as helmets, elbow and knee pads).

Game rules:

  • SlamBall is based on the basic rules of basketball .
  • Players can bounce the ball with their hands and slam dunk only while under the basket.
  • The ball can be passed a maximum of two times without touching the ground .
  • Fouls are punished by a free throw or possession of the ball by the opponent.
  • A team earns 2 points when it puts the ball into the basket .
  • Slam dunk is worth 3 points .
  • The first team to reach 21 points or win two sets wins the match.

Benefits of SlamBall:

  • SlamBall is a sport that works the whole body and helps burn calories .
  • Develops strength, agility, coordination and balance .
  • It increases courage and self-confidence.
  • It improves mental discipline and concentration.
  • It is an exciting and enjoyable sport.

Trying SlamBall:

If you want to try SlamBall, unfortunately there are no SlamBall fields and clubs in Turkey.

However, if you love basketball and trampoline , you can play this sport yourself with similar rules.

How Many People Can Play SlamBall?

SlamBall is played as a 2-team sport of 4 players each .

The aim of the game is to slam dunk the basketball into the basket, that is, to jump towards the basket and hit the ball downwards.

SlamBall is also known as a mixture of basketball and trampolining . Includes rules from both sports.

SlamBall is a sport suitable for people of all ages. It is especially useful for children and young people . Playing SlamBall helps them develop physically and mentally and grow in a healthy way .

If you’re interested in SlamBall, you can join a SlamBall club near you. SlamBall is a great way to learn new skills, exercise, meet new people and improve team spirit .

How to Score a SlamBall Score?

SlamBall is an exciting sport that is a mix of basketball and football, played on trampolines. Players earn points by jumping on trampolines and throwing or slamming the ball into the basket. To score in SlamBall, you need to know these rules:

1. Scoring:

  • Throwing the ball into the basket scores 1 point.
  • Making a slam (throwing the ball by pressing it into the basket) scores 2 points.
  • Baskets scored from outside the free throw line earn 3 points.

2. Slam:

  • To slam, you can use one or both hands to press the ball into the basket.
  • To make a slam, you have to jump close enough to the basket.
  • When performing a slam, the ball must touch and pass through the basket.

3. Special Rules:

  • SlamBall also has some special rules. For example:
    • Players cannot hold the ball for more than three seconds.
    • Players cannot foul their opponents.
    • It is necessary to throw the ball into the basket without touching the ground.

4. Purpose of the Game:

  • The aim of SlamBall is to win the game by scoring more points than the opposing team.
  • The game is won by the first team to reach a certain time or a certain number of points.

More About SlamBall:

  • You can follow news and analysis about SlamBall.
  • You can attend a SlamBall match near you.

SlamBall Basic Rules

SlamBall is a sport played on trampolines that combines elements of basketball and American football. The aim of the game is to score points by slam dunk the ball into the opposing team’s hoop.

Play ground:

  • The SlamBall court is a rectangular field with a trampoline at each end.
  • The field is divided into two equal halves, with a basket in each half.
  • The hoop is located right behind the trampolines and is slightly higher than regular basketball.
  • There are elastic bands attached to the trampolines on the field floor, around the trampolines and behind the basket.


  • The ball used in SlamBall is larger and softer than regular basketball.
  • The ball is carried to the basket by bouncing off the trampolines and receiving support from the elastic bands.


  • There are 4 players in each team.
  • Players can use trampolines to perform slam dunks.
  • Players can pass the ball, hit the ground, or bounce the ball onto trampolines to move the ball to the basket.

Flow of the Game:

  • The game begins with a referee throwing the ball into the air.
  • The first team to receive the ball tries to score points by slam dunking the basket.
  • The team that cannot perform a slam dunk tries to carry the ball to the basket by hitting the ground or passing it.
  • A team scores 2 points when it slam dunks the ball into the basket.
  • A team scores 1 point when they shoot the ball into the basket with a normal basketball shot.
  • A team loses possession of the ball when it fumbles the ball or loses it to the opposing team.
  • The team with the most points at the end of a game consisting of 4 quarters wins the game.

Other Rules:

  • Players should be careful when using trampolines and avoid hitting each other.
  • Players can hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds without dropping it to the ground or losing it to the opposing team.
  • Players cannot foul the opposing team while slam dunking the ball into the basket.
  • Referees can give penalties to fouling teams by blowing a foul whistle.

SlamBall Tactics:

  • SlamBall is a fast-paced and athletic sport.
  • Teams must have good coordination and jumping skills to perform a slam dunk.
  • Teams can use different passing and dribbling techniques to move the ball to the basket.
  • Teams must develop defensive tactics to prevent opposing teams from performing slam dunks.

SlamBall Benefits:

  • SlamBall is an exciting and adrenaline-filled sport.
  • It is an exercise that works the whole body and improves endurance, strength, coordination and agility.
  • It helps develop mental skills such as courage, discipline and concentration.
  • SlamBall is a great way to have fun and relieve stress.

SlamBall Equipment

SlamBall Equipment

The equipment you need for Slam Ball can be divided into two categories: player-used equipment and playground equipment.

Equipment Used by Players:

  • Slam Ball: Slam Balls are balls similar to basketballs, but they are harder and slightly smaller. They need to be drop resistant and usually have a wear-resistant rubber exterior and a sand or air-filled interior. Slam Balls usually weigh between 15 and 60 kilograms.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (Optional): Slam Ball can be a physically demanding game. For beginners or hard-hitting players, it may be helpful to use the following protective equipment:
    • Knee pads and elbow pads
    • Slam Ball specific helmet (scrum cap style helmets are more common)

Playground Equipment:

  • Slam Ball Court: Slam Ball is played on a rectangular court similar to a basketball court. A standard Slam Ball court is 26 meters long and 13 meters wide.
  • Jumping Platforms (Trampoline): There are jumping platforms at both ends of the Slam Ball field. These platforms are trampoline-like structures that are generally located above the ground and allow players to dunk. The platforms are approximately 2.1 meters wide and 4.3 meters long.
  • Flooring Material of the Floor: Slam Ball is an intense sport in which players make frequent hard hits to the ground. Therefore, the floor of the playground should be covered with a special flooring material with shock absorbing properties.

Things to Consider When Choosing Equipment:

  • Your Slam Ball Level: If you are just starting out, you do not need to practice with a very heavy Slam Ball. You should choose a Slam Ball of the appropriate weight for you.
  • Protective Equipment: If you feel comfortable playing Slam Ball, you may not use protective equipment. However, if you are just starting out or plan to make hard hits, you can choose protectors such as elbow pads, knee pads and helmets.
  • Playground: The floor of the playground should be safe and jumping platforms should be placed securely.

SlamBall Field Features

SlamBall is a sport that combines basketball and trampolining and is played in teams of four. SlamBall courts are complex structures designed and built specifically for this exciting sport.

Main Components:

  • Play ground:
    • The playing field is rectangular in shape, similar to a basketball court.
    • There is a basket at each end of the field.
    • The ground is covered with a platform of trampolines.
    • Trampolines allow players to jump into the basket to dunk and perform other acrobatic tricks.
  • Potalar:
    • The hoops are the height and width of a traditional basketball hoop.
    • The hoops are located at both ends of the playing field, in the middle of the trampolines.
    • The hoops must be made of break-resistant material and ensure the safety of the players.
  • Walls:
    • Walls are barriers that surround the playing field and ensure that the ball remains in play.
    • Walls should be padded and made of soft material to ensure the safety of players.
  • Audience Area:
    • The spectator area is where spectators watch the games.
    • The spectator area is usually located around the playing area and should offer spectators a vantage point from which they can see the games clearly.

Additional Features:

  • Some SlamBall venues may have additional amenities such as warm-up areas, showers, locker rooms and public Wi-Fi.
  • Modern SlamBall venues are equipped with advanced technologies such as electronic scoring systems, video recording equipment and public Wi-Fi.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a SlamBall venue:

  • Competition level: Courses used in international tournaments must comply with stricter rules and regulations.
  • Field type (open or closed): Indoor fields offer the opportunity to play without being affected by weather conditions.
  • Desired amenities: The field may have additional amenities such as warm-up areas, showers, locker rooms and public Wi-Fi.
  • Location: The field must be accessible to athletes and spectators.
  • Cost: Building and maintaining the course can be expensive.

If you’re looking for a great place to watch or try out SlamBall, I recommend researching venues in your area.

Benefits of SlamBall:

  • It is an exciting and adrenaline-filled sport.
  • It requires courage, coordination, balance and athleticism.
  • It is extremely entertaining for both players and spectators.
  • It is physically challenging and works the whole body.
  • It requires mental concentration and discipline.
  • It can be a fun and rewarding experience.

SlamBall Terms

SlamBall is a fast and fluid sport that combines elements of basketball, football, hockey and gymnastics and uses a basketball hoop with a trampoline. Here are some basic terms you need to know in SlamBall:

Key Terms:

  • Trampolite (Trampoline): The platform located under each basketball hoop and allowing players to jump higher.
  • Slam Dunk: A high dunk shot using a trampoline to hit the ball into the basket.
  • Alley-Oop: A dunk shot made by catching the ball thrown into the air by a teammate at the moment of jumping to hit the basket.
  • Backboard: The board behind the baskets.
  • Block: A move made by jumping to block the opponent’s shot.
  • Collision: Contact struggle between players. Controlled collisions are legal in SlamBall.
  • Foul: Obstructing the opponent with illegal movements.
  • Free Throw: The shot right used to score the point you won from the foul.

Other Terms:

  • Bail Out: The act of throwing the ball safely to a teammate while under pressure.
  • Dunks: Special emphasis is placed on SlamBall dunks.
  • Four Point Line: A special line on the field where baskets scored outside this line count as 4 points. (Each normal basket is worth 2 points)
  • SlamBall League: The league in which SlamBall tournaments are organized.

Since SlamBall is a very fast and active game, it may take some time to learn the terms. However, the basic terms above will help you follow the flow of the game.

Benefits of SlamBall

Slam ball is a great training tool that benefits you both physically and mentally. Here are some key benefits of slam ball:

Physical Benefits:

  • Whole Body Workout: Slam ball exercises provide you with an effective total-body workout by working almost all muscle groups of your body. While throwing movements activate your shoulder and back muscles, slam movements require strength from your legs and engage your core muscles.
  • Increased Strength and Endurance: Slam ball exercises increase your muscle strength and endurance when done regularly. In this way, you can carry out your daily activities more easily.
  • High Calorie Burn: Slam ball exercises help you burn high calories in a short time. This can help you lose weight or stay at a healthy weight.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: Slam ball exercises can include fast-paced movements, improving your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and breathing.
  • Balance and Coordination: Slam ball moves require balance and coordination to control the ball and shoot. This improves your skills.
  • Increased Flexibility: Slam ball exercises may require movements such as bending and reaching from time to time. These movements help improve your flexibility.

Mental Benefits:

  • Stress Reliever: Slam ball exercises can help clear your mind and reduce stress by allowing you to focus.
  • Focus and Concentration: To perform slam ball moves effectively, you need to focus and concentrate. These skills can also benefit you in your daily life over time.
  • Quick Thinking: Some slam ball drills may require quick reactions. These types of exercises can improve your quick thinking skills.

SlamBall Game Rules

Slamball is an exciting and fluid sport that combines elements of basketball, American football and trampoline. Instead of throwing a ball into a hoop like in basketball, they use trampolines to slamdunk. The game is fast-paced and athletic and very enjoyable for spectators.

Basic Rules:

  • Players: There are 4 players in each team. 3 players are on the field and 1 player is on the bench.
  • The court: It is a rectangular court similar to a basketball court, but with a trampoline at each corner.
  • Ball: An inflated ball slightly larger than a basketball is used.
  • Purpose: To score points by slamdunk the ball into the basket.
  • Gameplay: The game consists of 4 quarters and each quarter is 6 minutes. There is a time limit of 15 seconds to get the ball into the basket.
  • Scoring: A normal slamdunk is worth 2 points, a slamdunk from a trampoline is worth 3 points. Free throws are worth 1 point.
  • Fouls: Fouls similar to fouls in basketball are also fouls in slamball. The team committing the foul gives the opponent a free throw.
  • Win: The team that scores the most points wins the game.

Additional Rules:

  • Physical contact: Players can use their shoulders and arms to block their opponents. However, hard fouls such as pushing, pulling or punching are prohibited.
  • Dribbling: Players can dribble the ball for a maximum of two steps at a time.
  • Slamball special rules: Before slamducking, the ball must be bounced on the ground. A player cannot hang on the basket for more than 3 seconds.
  • Red card: Deliberate and dangerous fouls are punished with a red card. The player who receives a red card is expelled from the game and a substitute player of his team may enter the game.

To learn more about Slamball:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SlamBall and How to Play?

    SlamBall is a team sport played on trampolines and is a combination of basketball and trampoline sports. Each team has 4 players, and the players try to throw the ball into the basket according to basketball-like rules. The most important feature of SlamBall is that players can dunk into the basket. This adds excitement and acrobatics to the game.

  • What is the Origin of SlamBall?

    SlamBall was invented by Aaron Trevis and Ryan Henning in 2006. The first SlamBall match was played in Las Vegas in 2007, and since then the sport has rapidly gained popularity. Today, SlamBall hosts many different leagues and tournaments in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.

  • What are the Rules of SlamBall?

    SlamBall has very similar rules to basketball. Players can dribble the ball, pass it and throw it into the basket. The most important difference in SlamBall is that slam dunks are allowed. In SlamBall, players can dunk into the basket, which adds excitement and acrobatics to the game. It is also possible to foul in SlamBall, and the fouling team gives the opponent a free throw.

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