Athletics Game Rules

Athletics is a sport that has a history as old as human history and still attracts great attention today. Athletics, which provides many benefits both individually and socially, is an ideal sport for people of all ages.

Athletics is a sport open and accessible to everyone. It’s a great way to improve your health, have fun and challenge yourself.

What is Athletics?

Athletics is a sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, walking, jumping and throwing . It is considered one of the oldest sports in the world and is one of the most popular sports featured in the Olympic Games.

Athletics branches:

  • Running: Competitions held at different distances (short distance, middle distance, long distance) and different types of running (flat, hurdles, relay).
  • Walking: A discipline that involves walking at a fast pace.
  • Vaulting: Includes vertical jumps, such as pole vault, high jump, and long jump, and horizontal jumps, such as triple jump.
  • Throwing: Includes disciplines such as shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw.

History of Athletics

Athletics is one of the oldest sports based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. Dating back to ancient Greece, athletics was not only a sport but also an important part of culture and art at that time.

Ancient Greek Period:

  • The first Olympic Games, held in Elis, Greece, in 776 BC, also included athletics competitions.
  • In these early games, there was only one branch of running, the “stadion” (about 192 meters).
  • Over time, more complex disciplines such as pentathlon (five branches) and decathlon (ten branches) were added to the program.
  • Athletics was done only by men in ancient Greece. Women were not allowed to participate.

Middle Ages and Renaissance Period:

  • With the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games ended.
  • Athletics did not develop much during the Middle Ages.
  • During the Renaissance, interest in athletics increased again with the revival of the ancient Greek ideal.

19th Century and the Birth of Modern Athletics:

  1. In the 19th century, with the development of the amateur sports movement in England, athletics began to take shape as a modern sports branch.

20th Century and the Golden Age of Athletics:

  1. The century is considered the golden age of athletics.

Athletics in the 21st Century:

  • Today, athletics remains one of the most popular sports in the world.
  • Thousands of athletics competitions are held every year.
  • Athletics is a sport that brings people from different cultures and countries together.

Athletics in Turkey:

  • Athletics in Turkey began in the late 19th century during the Ottoman Empire.
  • The first official athletics club was established in Istanbul in 1909.
  • After the Turkish National Olympic Committee was established in 1912, athletics began to be represented internationally.
  • Turkish athletes achieved success in many international competitions and won medals at the Olympic Games.

Importance of Athletics:

  • Athletics is not just a sport, it is also important for a healthy life.
  • Doing regular athletics strengthens muscles, increases endurance, exercises the heart and lungs, and reduces stress.
  • Athletics also teaches important values ​​such as discipline, self-confidence and fair-play.

How to Play Athletics?

Athletics is a sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, walking, jumping and throwing . Each branch has its own rules and techniques.

Some of the branches of athletics and how they are played:


  • Competitions held at different distances (100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500 meters, 5000 meters, 10,000 meters, marathon) and different running types (flat, hurdles, relay).
  • Runners take their place at the starting line and start running with the referee’s start command.
  • The runner who crosses the finish line first wins the race.


  • A discipline that involves walking at a fast pace.
  • Hikers try to complete a certain distance in the shortest time possible.
  • Walkers use a different technique than running in that their feet must be in contact with the ground at all times.


  • It includes vertical jumps such as pole vault, high jump and long jump, and horizontal jumps such as triple jump.
  • Jumpers try to reach a certain height or distance.
  • Different techniques are used in different types of jumping.


  • It includes disciplines such as shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw.
  • Throwers try to throw a particular object as far as possible.
  • Different techniques are used in different types of throwing.

For success in athletics:

  • It is necessary to have different skills such as strength, endurance, speed, coordination and agility .
  • It is important to use correct technique .
  • It is necessary to train regularly .
  • It is necessary to eat healthy and get enough sleep .

How Many People Can Play Athletics?

Athletics is an individual sport and basically consists of competitions between an athlete and a competitor . But team spirit and solidarity also have an important place in athletics .

There are many different branches and disciplines in athletics. Each of these branches has its own rules and competition format.

Individual Branches:

  • Running: These are individual competitions at different distances (from 100 meters to marathon).
  • Jumping: These are competitions held with different techniques such as high jump, pole vault and long jump.
  • Throwing: These are competitions held with different equipment such as shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw.

Team Branches:

  • 4×100 meter relay race: In this race held in teams of four, each athlete runs 100 meters and passes the flag to the next teammate.
  • 4×400 meter relay race: In this race held in teams of four, each athlete runs 400 meters and passes the flag to the next teammate.
  • Cross Country: These are races performed in teams at different distances (short, medium and long cross country).

Other Formats:

  • Multiple branches: These are competitions that include more than one branch of athletics, such as pentathlon (five branches) and heptathlon (seven branches).
  • Road runs: These are runs that take place on a specific track and are usually open to the public.
  • Disabled athletics: Athletics competitions held in different disabled categories.

As a result, although athletics is basically an individual sport, team spirit and solidarity also have an important place. Different branches and disciplines make athletics an attractive sport for people of all ages and abilities.

How to Score in Athletics?

The scoring system in athletics varies depending on the type of race. The most common scoring systems are:

Ranking Scoring:

  • In this system, each athlete is given points according to their finishing order. The first place is given the most points, the last place is given the least points.
  • This scoring system is often used in individual competitions .

Point Scoring:

  • In this system, each athlete earns points when he reaches a certain performance. For example, an athlete who runs faster than 10 seconds in 100 meters may be given 10 points.
  • This scoring system is often used in multi-discipline competitions .

Dam Scoring:

  • In this system, athletes earn points when they exceed a certain threshold. For example, an athlete who exceeds the 2 meter high jump threshold may be given 10 points.
  • This scoring system is often used in qualification competitions .

Additional Points:

  • In some competitions, athletes may also be awarded additional points for achievements such as breaking intermediate records or national records .


Let’s assume that there are 5 athletes for the 100 meter dash in an athletics competition. The finishing order and scoring system may be as follows:

4Lowell 4
5 David2

As you can see, Ahmet earned 10 points by running the 100 meters fastest. Mehmet earned 8 points, Ayşe 6 points, Fatma 4 points and Ali 2 points.

Athletics Basic Rules

Athletics is a sport based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. Each branch of athletics, which consists of different branches, has its own rules and competition format.

General rules:

  • Fair-play: All athletes must compete fairly and respect their opponents.
  • Doping ban: Doping is strictly prohibited and athletes who do doping are disqualified.
  • Technical rules: Each branch has its own technical rules and athletes must comply with these rules.
  • Referee decisions: Referee decisions are final and cannot be appealed by athletes.

General Rules of Running Races:

  • Start: Athletes cannot move before the referee’s start command.
  • Lane violation: Athletes must not go outside their lane.
  • Blocking: Athletes should not block their opponents.
  • Finish: The athlete whose chest touches the finish line first wins the race.

General Rules of Jumping Races:

  • Jumping technique: Athletes must apply the unique jumping technique of each branch.
  • Evaluation of the referees: Jumps are evaluated by the referees and the athlete with the highest jump wins.
  • Three jumps allowed: Athletes are usually allowed three jumps.

General Rules of Throwing Competitions:

  • Throwing technique: Athletes must apply the unique throwing technique of each branch.
  • Shooting angle: The shot must be made from a certain angle.
  • Evaluation of the referees: The shots are evaluated by the referees and the athlete who makes the farthest shot wins.

These are the basic rules of athletics. You can visit the official websites of athletics federations for the specific rules of each branch.

Additional Information About Athletics:

  • Athletics is the sport with the most medals in the Olympics.
  • Athletics is a sport suitable for people of all ages.
  • Regular exercise provides many health benefits.

Athletics Equipment

Athletics Equipment

Athletics is a sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. Different athletics may require different equipment, but some of the most common athletic equipment includes:

Running Shoes: Running shoes are special shoes designed to protect the runner’s foot and ankle from injuries. Different types of running shoes are designed for different terrains and types of running.

Spikes: Spikes are small metal spikes attached to shoes that help the runner gain more traction on the ground. They are often used in track racing.

Starting Block: A starting block is a device that helps runners start from a stable position at the starting line.

Obstacles: Obstacles used in obstacle races can be of different heights and formats.

Pole: The pole used in pole vaulting is a long, flexible pole usually made of fiberglass or aluminum.

High Jump Mat: A mat used in the high jump to cushion the jumper’s fall.

Throwing Equipment: Equipment used in jumping disciplines such as shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw can be of different weights and sizes.

Scoring Board: It is a board where referees follow and score the athletes’ performances.

Stopwatch: It is a time measuring device used to measure the times of athletes.

Graduate Ribbon: A ribbon used in the long jump and triple jump to measure how far the jumper has jumped.

Flag: Flags used in relay races can be of different colors and sizes.

These are just some of the many pieces of equipment used in athletics. The equipment required for a particular branch of athletics may vary depending on the rules of that branch.

Athletics Field Features

Athletics Field Features

Athletics fields, where athletics competitions and training are held, are areas built in accordance with certain standards. These standards are set by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and must be implemented by all member federations.

The main features of athletics fields are:


  • Athletics tracks generally have an oval shape and are 400 meters long.
  • The track consists of 8 lanes and the width of each lane is 1.22 meters.
  • The inside of the track is made of a special material that prevents runners from slipping.
  • The bends of the track are constructed with an incline.


  • The part of the athletics field other than the track is called the field.
  • The area has areas required for different branches of athletics such as long jump, high jump, pole vault, hammer throw, discus throw, javelin throw and shot put.
  • These areas are built according to the unique dimensions and characteristics of each branch.


  • Athletics fields also include necessary facilities such as athletes’ locker rooms, showers, toilets, warm-up areas and spectator tribunes.

Some important points to consider when building athletics fields are:

  • Floor: The floor should be flat and solid and sloped to ensure water drainage.
  • Drainage: The drainage system should be designed to prevent rainwater from accumulating on the track and area.
  • Lighting: Athletics fields must have adequate lighting for night competitions and training.
  • Safety: Athletics fields should be designed to ensure the safety of athletes.

Athletics fields in Turkey are built in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Turkish Athletics Federation.

Additional information about athletics fields:

  • Quite high costs are required to build an athletics field at international standards.
  • For this reason, many countries also have athletics fields that do not meet international standards.
  • Maintenance and repair of athletics fields is also very important. Athletics fields that are not regularly maintained can be dangerous for athletes.

Athletics Terms

Athletics is a sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. This sport has many different branches and each branch has its own rules and terms.

Here are some of the most common athletics terms:

General Terms:

  • Athletics: A sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing.
  • Track: An oval area where athletics races are held.
  • Field: The area where jumping and throwing races are held in athletics.
  • Discipline: A particular branch of athletics (e.g., 100-meter dash, high jump, javelin throw).
  • Race: A competition in athletics in which more than one athlete participates in a particular discipline.
  • Athlete: A person who practices athletics.
  • Coach: A person who guides athletes in athletics.
  • Referee: A person who enforces the rules and makes decisions in athletic events.

Running Terms:

  • Running: The movement of moving forward by pressing the feet on the ground.
  • Runner: A person who jogs.
  • Start: The beginning of the race.
  • Finish line: The end of the race.
  • Lap: One lap of the track.
  • Pace: Running speed.
  • Breathing: Breathing technique while running.
  • Stride: The length of the step taken while running.
  • Arm movement: Movement of the arms while running.

Jump Terms:

  • Jump: Jumping movement from the ground up.
  • Jumper: A person who jumps.
  • Jump: The movement of leaping up from the ground while jumping.
  • Flight: The state of being in the air while jumping.
  • Landing: The act of landing on the ground during a jump.
  • Technique: The method used during jumping.

Throwing Terms:

  • Throw: The act of throwing an object from the hand.
  • Thrower: The person who throws.
  • Throwing: The act of throwing an object from the hand during throwing.
  • Spin: The rotating movement of the body during throwing.
  • Swing: The swinging motion of the arm during throwing.
  • Target: The point the object must reach when throwing.

These are just a few of the many terms used in athletics. The terms used for a particular branch of athletics may vary depending on the rules of that branch.

Athletics Benefits

Athletics is a sport based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. Suitable for people of all ages, athletics can provide benefits in many ways.

Physical Benefits:

  • Strength and endurance: Athletics increases strength and endurance by working the entire body and strengthening the muscles.
  • Bone and joint health: Regular athletics helps strengthen bones and increase joint mobility.
  • Weight control: Athletics helps burn calories and maintain weight control.
  • Cardiovascular health: Athletics reduces the risk of heart diseases by strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Flexibility and coordination: Athletics increases flexibility and coordination.
  • Balance and posture: Athletics helps improve balance and posture.

Mental Benefits:

  • Stress reduction: Athletics helps reduce stress by lowering levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • Self-confidence: Athletics, which requires discipline and perseverance to succeed, increases self-confidence and self-confidence.
  • Focus and concentration: Athletics helps improve the ability to focus and concentrate.
  • Memory: Athletics helps improve memory.
  • Sleep quality: Regular athletics improves sleep quality.

Social Benefits:

  • Socializing: Athletics is an ideal environment to meet new people and socialize.
  • Teamwork: Team sports such as relay races and cross country foster the spirit of teamwork and solidarity.
  • Competition: Athletics teaches how to compete in a healthy way and push boundaries.
  • Fun: Athletics is a fun activity for both children and adults.

Additional Information About the Benefits of Athletics:

  • Athletics is a sport suitable for people of all ages. Children, adults and seniors can enjoy the benefits of athletics.
  • There is no need for special equipment to do athletics. You can do athletics with comfortable shoes and sports clothes.
  • Athletics can be done outdoors or in indoor gyms.
  • Participating in regular athletics provides many benefits for overall health and fitness.

Athletics Game Rules

Athletics is a sport that includes various branches based on basic human movements such as running, jumping and throwing. Each branch has its own rules and scoring system.

Some basic rules generally applied in athletics are:

Before the Competition:

  • Athletes must wear competition-appropriate clothing and shoes.
  • Athletes should do warm-up exercises.
  • Athletes must follow the referees’ instructions.

During the Competition:

  • Athletes must start the competition with the referee’s start command.
  • Athletes must not violate the boundaries of the track or area.
  • Athletes should not interfere with other athletes.
  • Athletes should not use prohibited substances and methods such as doping.

After the Competition:

  • Athletes must respect the referees’ decisions.
  • Athletes must behave respectfully with other athletes and referees.
  • Athletes must be prepared to participate in doping tests.

Different branches of athletics also have their own rules. For example:

  • Running: There are different rules for different distances and different types of running (flat, hurdles, relay).
  • Walking: Walkers use a different technique than running in that their feet must be in contact with the ground at all times.
  • Jumping: Different rules and techniques are used for vertical jumps, such as pole vault, high jump, and long jump, and horizontal jumps, such as triple jump.
  • Throwing: Different techniques and rules are used in different types of throwing, such as shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw.

To learn more about athletics rules:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which athletics discipline seems most interesting to you and why?

    By asking this question, you can discover what aspects of athletics you find most appealing. What attracts you more: running, jumping, throwing or another discipline? You can deepen your knowledge and understanding of athletics by considering why this discipline attracts you.

  2. What important developments have occurred in athletics recently?

    By asking this question, you can stay up to date with the latest news and trends in the world of athletics. Have new records been broken? Are new technologies used? What do you think about the future of athletics? Considering this question can help you keep your interest in athletics alive and keep up with the developments taking place in this sport.

  3. What benefits can athletics provide you?

    By asking this question, you can understand that athletics is not just a sport, but a lifestyle option that can provide many benefits. Doing athletics can lead you to a healthier and fitter lifestyle, increase your self-confidence and self-esteem, and teach you valuable skills such as discipline and perseverance. Considering this question can help you evaluate whether starting athletics or increasing your interest in athletics is the right choice for you.

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