Beach Volleyball Game Rules

Beach volleyball is a very fast-paced sport. You need to be constantly on the move and ready to get to the ball.

It is very important to have good communication with your teammate. Let each other know what to do and plan ahead for who will kick the ball.

What is Beach Volleyball?

Beach volleyball is a team sport played on sand and consisting of two players on each team. In many parts of the world, it is played barefoot on beaches or artificial sand fields.

Some key differences between beach volleyball and indoor volleyball are:

  • Number of teams: Beach volleyball is played with teams of two people, and indoor volleyball is played with teams of six people.
  • Court: The beach volleyball court is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide, while the indoor volleyball court is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide.
  • Net: The beach volleyball net is slightly lower than that of indoor volleyball, 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women.
  • Number of hits: A team must hit the ball a maximum of three times and send it to the opponent’s field.
  • Scoring: The first team to reach 21 points (by at least two points) in a set wins the set. The first team to win two sets (by at least two points) wins the game.
  • Rules: There are also some different rules in beach volleyball, for example a player cannot hit the ball twice in a row and contact on the block does not count.

Beach volleyball is a sport that is both fun and challenging. Running and jumping in the sand can be challenging, but the pace and excitement of the game is worth it. You don’t need any special equipment to play beach volleyball, just a volleyball ball and a place to play.

If you are interested in beach volleyball:

  • You can participate in local beach volleyball tournaments.
  • You can take beach volleyball lessons.
  • You can join a beach volleyball club.
  • You can create your own beach volleyball court.

History of Beach Volleyball

Although beach volleyball is a very popular sport today, its origins date back to the late 19th century. The first traces of the game were seen among surfers in Hawaii in the 1890s. They started playing volleyball in the sand for fun when there were no waves. This game was first called “minne-ball” or “volleyball”.

In the 1910s and 1920s, beach volleyball became popular in California. The first beach volleyball courts were established in Santa Monica and regular tournaments began to be held. During this period, the game was played by teams of 6 people.

In the 1930s, beach volleyball began to spread throughout Europe. It attracted great attention especially in Italy and France. During this period, the rules of the game also began to change. The number of teams was reduced to 4 and the size of the field was reduced.

In the 1940s and 1950s, beach volleyball became an international sport. The first international beach volleyball tournament was held in Italy in 1947. In 1954, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) accepted beach volleyball as an official sport.

During the 1960s and 1970s, beach volleyball boomed in the United States. During this period, many professional beach volleyball tournaments were held and the popularity of the sport increased.

In 1996, beach volleyball became an official sport at the Atlanta Summer Olympic Games. This caused a huge increase in the game’s popularity. Today, beach volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world and is played in more than 200 countries.

Some important points about beach volleyball:

  • The first beach volleyball game was played in Hawaii in the 1890s.
  • The game began to spread throughout Europe in the 1930s.
  • In 1947, the first international beach volleyball tournament was held.
  • In 1954, the FIVB recognized beach volleyball as an official sport.
  • In 1996, beach volleyball became an official sport at the Atlanta Summer Olympic Games.
  • Today, beach volleyball is played in more than 200 countries.

How to Play Beach Volleyball?

Beach volleyball is an exciting and fast-paced sport played in teams of two on the sand. Its rules are quite similar to volleyball, but there are some important differences.

Play ground:

  • The beach volleyball court is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide.
  • There is a net in the middle of the court, 2.43 meters high (for men) or 2.24 meters high (for women).
  • There is a free zone at least 3 meters wide on both sides of the field.


  • There are two players in each team .
  • Players can move freely and change positions on the field.

Start of the Game:

  • The game starts with the serve.
  • The serving player throws the ball into the air from his hand or with one hand and sends it to the opponent’s court.
  • The ball must pass over the net and touch the opponent’s court.


  • The whole game that starts with the serve and ends with a team making a mistake or the ball going out of play is called a rally.
  • A team tries to send the ball to the opponent’s field by hitting it a maximum of three times .
  • A player cannot hit the ball twice in a row.
  • Each contact with the ball counts as a hit.


  • A team scores a point when it wins a rally.
  • The first team to reach 21 points in a set (by at least two points) wins the set.
  • The first team to win two sets (by at least two points) wins the game.
  • The third set (if necessary) is played to 15 points (with a difference of at least two points).


  • A team is deemed to have committed a fault if:
    • If he throws the ball out of the net.
    • If he hits the ball three times.
    • If the same player hits the ball twice in a row.
    • If he hits the ball under the net.
    • If the opponent interferes with the player.
  • When a team makes a mistake, the opposing team scores a point and earns the right to serve.

How Many People Can Play Beach Volleyball?

Beach volleyball is a sport played in teams of two . There are only two players in each team and these players must remain on the field throughout the match . No substitutions are made.

This distinguishes beach volleyball from indoor volleyball. In indoor volleyball, there are 6 players in each team and player substitutions are allowed.

The court of beach volleyball is also smaller than that of indoor volleyball. The beach volleyball court is 8 meters long and 8 meters wide. In indoor volleyball, the court is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide.

Beach volleyball rules also differ from indoor volleyball. For example, in beach volleyball, it is possible to send the ball to the opponent’s court by hitting it three times. In indoor volleyball, it is necessary to hit the ball at most twice.

Beach volleyball is a very dynamic and active game as it is a sport played on sand. Players must constantly jump and run on the sand to hit the ball. This makes beach volleyball a very strong and durable sport.

How to Score a Point in Beach Volleyball?

There are two basic ways to score points in beach volleyball :

Winning Rally 1:

  • A rally begins with a serve and ends when one team makes a mistake or the ball goes out of play.
  • A team wins the rally if :
    • If the opposing team makes a mistake.
    • If the ball touches the opponent’s court and goes out of play.
    • If the opposing team kicks the ball three times.
    • If the same opposing player hits the ball twice in a row.
    • If the opposing team hits the ball under the net.
    • If the opposing team tackles you.
  • The team that wins the rally scores a point and gets the right to serve.

2. Scoring a Point with a Serve:

  • It is also possible to score points by serving. You can do this in two ways :
    • If the opposing team cannot return the serve or makes a mistake during the serve.
    • If the ball you serve touches the opponent’s court and goes out of play.
  • In these cases, the serving team scores a point and continues serving.

Important points:

  • The first team to reach 21 points in a set (by at least two points) wins the set.
  • The first team to win two sets (by at least two points) wins the game.
  • The third set (if necessary) is played to 15 points (with a difference of at least two points).

Beach Volleyball Basic Rules

Beach volleyball is a dynamic and exciting sport played on the sand in teams of two . The basic rules of the game are:

Play ground:

  • The beach volleyball court is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide.
  • There is a 90 cm high net in the middle of the field.
  • There is a 3 meter wide free zone on both field sides.


  • There are two players in each team .
  • Players must remain on the field throughout the match. No substitutions are made.


  • Beach volleyball is played with a softer and larger ball than indoor volleyball.


  • The right to serve belongs to the team that wins the point.
  • The serve must be made from behind the service line at the back of the court.
  • The ball must be thrown over the net to the opponent’s court.


  • A rally begins with a serve and ends with the ball hitting the ground or a team making a mistake.
  • Each team can kick the ball a maximum of three times.
  • A player cannot hit the ball twice in a row.
  • The ball can touch the net but cannot pass over it.
  • Players cannot touch the opposing team.


  • A team scores a point when the ball is dropped in the opponent’s court or the opposing team makes a mistake.
  • A set is won by the team that reaches 21 points by at least two points.
  • The team that wins two sets wins the match.


  • A team makes a mistake when:
    • If he hits the ball more than three times.
    • If the same player hits the ball twice in a row.
    • If he throws the ball into the opponent’s court without touching the net.
    • If it touches the net.
    • If it touches the opposing team.

Beach Volleyball Equipment

Beach Volleyball Equipment

The basic equipment you need to play beach volleyball is:

1. Volleyball:

  • You need to use a volleyball ball specifically designed for beach volleyball. These balls are also called “beach volleyball ball” or “beach volleyball ball” .
  • The beach volleyball ball is slightly softer and has less internal pressure than the indoor volleyball ball.
  • This allows the ball to bounce better on the sand and be controlled more easily.

2. File:

  • The beach volleyball net is slightly lower than the indoor volleyball net.
  • The net height for men is 2.43 meters and for women it is 2.24 meters.
  • The mesh should be made of a durable material such as polyester or nylon.

3. Poles:

  • You need two poles to hold the net.
  • Posts can be made of wood, metal or aluminum.
  • Poles must be able to be fixed in the sand or be portable.

4. Signs:

  • You need signs to define the boundaries of the site.
  • Signs can be flags, cones or sand lines.

5. Outfit:

  • It is important to wear comfortable clothes when playing beach volleyball.
  • Swimsuits, bikinis, shorts and t-shirts are good options.
  • You also need to use sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

6. Shoes:

  • When playing beach volleyball, it is best to play barefoot.
  • However, if the sand is very hot or very rough, you may prefer to wear sandals or volleyball shoes.

7. Other:

  • Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses
  • They are
  • Towel
  • First-aid kit

When purchasing beach volleyball equipment:

  • Consider your budget.
  • Consider what type of player you are (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
  • Ensure equipment is durable and sturdy.

You can buy beach volleyball equipment from these places:

  • sports stores
  • online retailers
  • second hand stores

Make sure you have everything you need to start playing beach volleyball!

Tips for Playing Beach Volleyball

  • Establish good communication: It is very important to have good communication with your teammate. Let each other know what to do and plan ahead for who will kick the ball.
  • Be active: Beach volleyball is a very fast-paced sport. You need to be constantly on the move and ready to get to the ball.
  • Serve strong: A strong serve can help you win the rally.
  • Learn to block: Blocking is the best way to stop the opposing team’s attacks.
  • Have fun! Playing beach volleyball is a very fun sport. Relax and enjoy the game!

Beach Volleyball Court Features

Beach Volleyball Court Features

Since beach volleyball is a sport played on sand, its court has some special features. These features are:


  • The beach volleyball court is rectangular in shape and is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide .
  • The net is located in the middle of the field and is 90 cm high .
  • There is a 3 meter wide free zone on both field sides .


  • The beach volleyball court must consist of sand .
  • The sand should be at least 40 cm deep and consist of rounded particles that are not too compacted .
  • The surface of the pitch must not pose a risk of injury to players . Playing on rough and slippery surfaces is prohibited.


  • There are two side lines and two end lines that determine the boundaries of the field .
  • Side lines and end lines are located inside the field and must be 5 cm wide .
  • The service line is a line located at the back of the court and is 8 meters long . The service line must be 5 cm wide .


  • In official competitions played at night, the illumination of the field should be between 1000-1500 Lux .
  • A windbreak can be used to prevent wind from obstructing the flow of the game .

Beach Volleyball Terms

Beach volleyball is a sport with simple rules, but knowing some basic terms can help you understand the flow of the game and play better. Here are some important beach volleyball terms you need to know:

Key Terms:

  • Service: It is the shot that starts the game and sends the ball to the opponent’s court.
  • Rally: It is the whole game that starts with the serve and ends with a team making a mistake or the ball going out of play.
  • Kick: A team touches the ball. Each team can make a maximum of three hits before sending the ball into the opponent’s court.
  • Block: It is a move made in front of the net to prevent the opposing team’s attack.
  • Cuff: It is a technique of taking control of the ball by hitting it upwards from the forearm.
  • Dunk: It is the technique of sending the ball to the opponent’s field by hitting it hard with the fist.
  • Passing: It is the process of sending the ball to your teammate in a suitable position for attack.
  • Area: The area on the field that a player is responsible for.
  • Free zone: It is the area behind the net on both sides of the field where players can move freely.
  • Error: A team’s action against the rules.
  • Point: The points a team earns by winning the rally.
  • Set: The first period in which a team reaches 21 points (by at least two points).
  • Match: This is the game won by the first team to win two sets.

Other Terms:

  • Asian Volleyball: A type of volleyball popular in Asian countries, with lots of movements in front of the net and fast, unlike the long races.
  • Fake: When a team tries to surprise the opposing team with moves such as formation fakes or flash jumps.
  • Six-Two: A six-player offensive method that uses four batters and two quarterbacks.
  • Advantage Ball: A ball sent by pass instead of dunk. The receiving team announces this loudly and all players settle back into their serve-receiving positions.
  • Foot fault: Stepping on the court or outside the service area before serving.
  • Finger Pass: A pass given with open hands as in playmaking.
  • Passive Block: A block made by the blocking player without passing his hands to the opposite court.
  • Setter Placement: It is when the playmaker attacks the ball over the net instead of making a play.

By learning these terms, you can understand the beach volleyball game better and play it more enjoyable.

Benefits of Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is more than just an enjoyable summer activity, it is a sport that has many benefits for both our body and soul . Some of these benefits include:

Physical Benefits:

  • Strengthens the Cardiovascular System: Beach volleyball is a sport that increases heart rate and breathing rate. In this way, it helps the cardiovascular system become stronger.
  • Strengthens Muscles and Helps Body Shape: Beach volleyball is a sport that exercises all body muscles. It especially helps strengthen the leg, arm, abdominal and back muscles. Playing beach volleyball regularly can help you have a more fit and shaped body.
  • Strengthens Bones: Beach volleyball is a sport that includes movements such as jumping, running and sudden stops. These movements help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • Increases Endurance: Beach volleyball is a long-term sport. Playing beach volleyball regularly helps increase your endurance and enable you to do sports for longer periods of time without getting tired.
  • Increases Flexibility: Beach volleyball is a sport that increases flexibility. Playing beach volleyball regularly helps you have a more flexible body and reduces your risk of injury.
  • Improves Balance and Coordination: Beach volleyball is a sport that requires balance and coordination. Playing beach volleyball regularly helps you improve your balance and coordination and reduces your risk of falling.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Reduces Stress: Beach volleyball is a great way to relieve stress. The endorphin hormone secreted during play helps reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • Increases Self-Confidence: Playing beach volleyball can help you feel better and increase your self-confidence.
  • Provides Socialization: Beach volleyball is a great way to socialize because it is a team game. You can meet new people and make friends while playing beach volleyball.
  • It’s fun: Playing beach volleyball is a very fun sport. You can both have fun and get useful exercise during the game.

Before you start playing beach volleyball:

  • It is important to consult your doctor if you have any health problems.
  • You should not neglect warm-up and cool-down exercises.
  • Don’t forget to use sunscreen and drink plenty of water.
  • Use appropriate sports equipment.

Beach Volleyball Game Rules

Beach volleyball is an exciting and fast-paced sport played in teams of two on the sand. Its rules are quite similar to volleyball, but there are some important differences.

Play ground:

  • The beach volleyball court is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide.
  • There is a net in the middle of the court, 2.43 meters high (for men) or 2.24 meters high (for women).
  • There is a free zone at least 3 meters wide on both sides of the field.


  • There are two players in each team .
  • Players can move freely and change positions on the field.

Start of the Game:

  • The game starts with the serve.
  • The serving player throws the ball into the air from his hand or with one hand and sends it to the opponent’s court.
  • The ball must pass over the net and touch the opponent’s court.


  • The whole game that starts with the serve and ends with a team making a mistake or the ball going out of play is called a rally.
  • A team tries to send the ball to the opponent’s field by hitting it a maximum of three times .
  • A player cannot hit the ball twice in a row.
  • Each contact with the ball counts as a hit.


  • A team scores a point when it wins a rally.
  • The first team to reach 21 points in a set (by at least two points) wins the set.
  • The first team to win two sets (by at least two points) wins the game.
  • The third set (if necessary) is played to 15 points (with a difference of at least two points).


  • A team is deemed to have committed a fault if:
    • If he throws the ball out of the net.
    • If he hits the ball three times.
    • If the same player hits the ball twice in a row.
    • If he hits the ball under the net.
    • If the opponent interferes with the player.
  • When a team makes a mistake, the opposing team scores a point and earns the right to serve.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is beach volleyball?

    Beach volleyball is an exciting and fast-paced sport played in teams of two on the sand. Its rules are quite similar to volleyball, but there are some important differences.

  • How to play beach volleyball?

    Beach volleyball is played in rallies that start with a serve and end with a team making a mistake or the ball going out of play. A team tries to send the ball to the opponent’s field by hitting it a maximum of three times. The first team to reach 21 points in a set (by at least two points) wins the set. The first team to win two sets (by at least two points) wins the game.

  • What does it take to play beach volleyball?

    The basic equipment you need to play beach volleyball is:
    – Volleyball ball
    – Net
    – Masts
    – Marking
    – Clothes
    – Shoe
    – Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses
    – This
    – Towel
    – First-aid kit

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