
Our Blog Rules

It is assumed that all members have read and accepted the rules. Being a new member or not being aware of the rules is not a valid reason to violate the rules. The rule list is updated periodically and members should review the rule list periodically.

    • Message owners are primarily responsible for the messages sent to the blog. Blog administrators cannot be held responsible for other people’s messages or topics. However, in case of any complaint due to legal reasons, the relevant regulation will be made if the authorities are informed.
    • Publishing any illegal content on the Blog is strictly prohibited. Illegal software  warez, null, crack, serial etc. and music mp3, video clip etc.  The accounts of members who share are deactivated.
      We reserve the right to delete, edit, move or store messages on the Blog without explanation.
    • Members must be respectful to each other and the authorities. Public moral rules cannot be violated or others cannot be disturbed in any part of the Blog, including the private messaging system. We do not tolerate rudeness, hurtful statements and personal attacks when dealing with topics and messages. It is strictly forbidden to upset people with malicious intent.
    • All users who become members of the site automatically gain access to all sections within their authority limits (except for specially limited user sections such as administrator and vip!).
    • The size of the images used in signatures and avatars. It is forbidden to use provocative, insulting or similar graphics or images in any way!
    • It is prohibited to provide personal information of others. (Such as address, phone number, account information)
    • Before opening a new topic, a “Search” should be done on the Blog to see whether that topic has been opened before. Each topic should be opened in the relevant Blog category.
    • The use of any text style, color, graphics or message formatting that may complicate the readability and functionality of the Blog or cause visual pollution is prohibited. Please do not use subject headings containing all capital letters.
    • Each member can only have one account. Membership can be canceled at any time. To cancel membership, you must contact the Blog administrators via private message. (If members with more than 10 messages request membership cancellation, the person’s email address and personal information will be deleted, their account will be deactivated, and their messages will be kept in the system due to the technical characteristics of the site and our desire to contain garbage messages on the Blog.)
    • You acknowledge that all information you enter as a user will be stored in a database. This information will not be distributed to third parties without your permission, but our Blog cannot be held responsible for the distribution of this information as a result of any hacking.
    • The use of all materials against the Republic of Turkey and Islam is prohibited (text, symbols, images, audio files, videos, flash animations, etc.).
    • It is forbidden to engage in discussions that may lead to discrimination, especially those of political and religious content.
    • Discussion on the blog is strictly prohibited. Warnings must be heeded.
    • It is forbidden to publish links to blogs or websites in a way that attracts attention on the blog as if it is advertising. It is okay to share links in other ways.
    • Doing anything that should not be done in such an environment; It is forbidden to send unnecessary messages with empty content repeatedly, especially to increase the number of messages. You may be penalized without receiving a warning.
    • Some Blogs and sub-Blogs have their own rules or points that need attention. These rules should be read before sending messages to those blogs. It is recommended that you take a look at all pinned topics.
    • It is mandatory for shared contents to indicate the source. However, if the content is used only for advertising the resource, the content will be deleted.
  • Although Blog administrators or moderators try to screen out and delete inappropriate messages by checking all messages, it may still be impossible for us to review all messages.
  • If you have any doubts about the blog, want to ask a question or have a complaint, please use the Contact Us form instead of writing on the blog.
  • Messages and topics of members who do not comply with the rules may be deleted/moved/edited with or without warning. The accounts of members who violate the rules despite warnings are canceled and they are removed from the site.

Welcome to us. Regards.

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