Broomball Game Rules?

The object of Broomball is for one team to win the game by scoring more goals than their opposition. Teams do this by moving the ball up-field as a team until they are in a position to shoot for goal.

Broomball is a sport that is easy to learn and fun to play. If you’re interested in winter sports, you might want to try broomball.

What is Broomball?

Broomball is a fast-paced and exciting team sport played on ice or snow . Although it has aspects similar to ice hockey, it has some differences. Broomball is generally more popular in Canada and the United States .

Broomball History?

The exact origin of the broomball is somewhat unclear, but there are two main claims for its birthplace:

1. Canada: This is the most widely accepted story. Modern broomball is thought to have originated in Canada in the early 20th century, possibly by trolley workers playing with a football and brooms on ice.

2. Iceland: Some research suggests a connection to a much older game called “knattleikr” played in Iceland in the 10th century. This was a much more violent version in which entire villages raced for days and deaths were not uncommon. Knattleikr is thought to be the ancestor of the broomball, but in a much calmer form.

Here’s a timeline outlining the development of broomball:

  • Early 1900s: The first documented broomball games in North America occurred in 1909 at Perdue, Saskatchewan, Canada. There is also evidence of girls’ teams playing broomball in Ontario during the same period.
  • 1910s: Broomball is thought to have spread south from Canada to the United States, becoming particularly popular in Minnesota.
  • 1960s: Minnesota had a thriving broomball community and the first state championship was held in 1966. At that time, teams had 10 players per side.
  • Today: Broomball is now played in many countries around the world, with differences in rules and equipment. It is a fun and exciting sport that blends ice hockey and football.

How to Play Broomball?

Broomball is a fast-paced team sport that is similar to ice hockey but has some differences. If you’re wondering how to play, here are the steps:

Players and Equipment:

  • Each team has a total of 7 players, 6 field players and 1 goalkeeper .
  • Players wear regular sneakers or shoes with non-slip soles . Ice hockey skates are not used.
  • Players use a short-handled broom to control and pass the ball .
  • The ball has a hard structure made of plastic or rubber.
  • The game is usually played on a standard ice hockey rink .

The purpose of the game:

  • The aim of the game is to score points by throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goal .

Basic Rules:

  • Players can use their brooms to dribble, pass the ball and try to score a goal by shooting.
  • Contact, such as players hitting or pushing each other, is limited.
  • The game usually consists of four short periods . Period times may vary by league or tournament.
  • There is no offside rule like in ice hockey .

Other Highlights:

  • In case of fouls, free kicks or penalty kicks are awarded.
  • Goalkeepers use special protective equipment.
  • Players are prohibited from holding or carrying the ball with their hands.
  • Players interfering with each other’s brooms is also considered a foul.

If you’re thinking of starting to play broomball:

  • Check out local gyms or ice rinks to see if they have broomball leagues.
  • Find sporting goods stores that sell broomball equipment.
  • To learn more about broomball rules and strategies, you can consult online resources or local sports organizations.

How Many People Can Play Broomball?

Broomball is a sport played with 5 to 7 players on each team .

  • 5-player: This is the most common version of broomball and is often used in amateur and youth leagues.
  • 6-player: This version is more common in higher level leagues as it allows more offensive and defensive flexibility.
  • 7-player: This version is rarely used and is usually seen in private games or tournaments.

Depending on the rules of the game and the size of the field, the number of players on each team may vary. For example, in a game played on a small field, the number of players on each team may be 4.

There are also two types of substitutes in Broomball:

  • Unlimited number of flying substitutes: This means players can be substituted at any time during the game.
  • Limited number of substitute goalkeepers: Each team can have one substitute goalkeeper, who can only be substituted once during the game.

How to Score Broomball?

In order to score a point in Broomball, you must throw the ball into the opposing team’s goal . This can be done in two ways:

1. Direct Shot:

  • The player must hit the ball with his broom and send it into the mouth of the opponent’s goal .
  • It is enough for the ball to touch any part of the goal .
  • A shot made in this way scores 1 point .

2. Touch:

  • The player can also score points by touching the ball to the bottom of the goal with his broom .
  • The ball does not need to touch the bottom of the goal and enter the mouth .
  • A shot made with touch also scores 1 point .

Important points:

  • Players are prohibited from holding or carrying the ball with their hands.
  • The ball must be directed to the goal with a broom .
  • In case of foul, the point is not considered valid.
  • Each point scored by a team is displayed as 1 point on the scoreboard .

The team that won the match:

  • It is the team that scores the most points at the end of the game .
  • In case of a tie, the winning team is determined according to established criteria such as extra time or penalty kicks.

Different ways to score points in Broomball:

  • Players can increase their chances of winning more points by mastering the game rules and strategies.
  • Teamwork and effective communication are also important factors for success in broomball.

Broomball is an exciting and enjoyable sport. This information has given you a general idea about winning points in broomball. It is important to practice and try different techniques to learn and improve the game.

Broomball Basic Rules?

Broomball is an exciting team sport played on ice, similar in some ways to ice hockey. But broomball requires less equipment than hockey and generally involves less contact. Here are some of the basic rules of broomball:

Players and Equipment:

  • Each team has 5 to 7 players .
  • Players play with broom heads and a stick that they wear on their feet.
  • Players must also wear protective equipment such as helmets, elbow pads) and knee pads.
  • The goalkeeper uses special protective equipment.

Dimensions of the Field:

  • A broomball rink is slightly smaller than an ice hockey rink.
  • The exact dimensions of the field may vary between leagues and tournaments.

The purpose of the game:

  • The aim of the game is to put the ball into the opponent’s goal and score more goals.
  • A goal is scored when the ball passes completely through the goal line.

Basic Rules:

  • Players can move the ball with broom heads.
  • Players cannot carry or hold the ball with their hands.
  • Players cannot hit or push opponents.
  • Teams may use a variety of kicks to restart play.
  • If a foul is committed, the referee may award a free kick or penalty kick against the fouling team.
  • The game usually begins with stoppages and begins with the referee’s whistle.
  • Game time usually consists of two halves.

Broomball Equipment?

Broomball Equipment?

Broomball is a fast-paced team sport that is similar to ice hockey but has some differences. You will need special equipment to play broomball. Here is the equipment required for broomball:


  • Sneakers or Non-Slip Sole Shoes: Ice hockey skates are not used. Sports shoes or boots with anti-slip soles are preferred to ensure that players have a good grip on the ground.
  • Broom: Players use a short-handled broom to control the ball, pass and shoot. The head of the vacuum cleaner is usually made of plastic or wood and has a hard structure to prevent scratching the floor. The length of the broom handle may vary depending on player height and usage preference.
  • Protective Equipment (Optional): Protective equipment such as knee pads, elbow pads and helmets provide protection against falls and collisions. It may be useful to use these equipment, especially for beginners.


  • Goalkeeper Stick or Broom: Goalkeepers use specially designed sticks or brooms, unlike the regular broom. These equipment cover a larger area and help protect the castle.
  • Protective Equipment: Goalkeepers should wear protective equipment similar to ice hockey goalies. This equipment includes helmet, mask, chest armor, knee pads and armbands.

Other Equipment:

  • Ball: A ball made of plastic or rubber with a hard structure is used.
  • Playground: A standard ice hockey rink can also be used for broomball.

Things to Consider When Purchasing Broomball Equipment:

  • Size: It is important that the sneakers, protective equipment and broom are in the appropriate size for the player.
  • Quality: Equipment made of durable and quality materials should be preferred.
  • Personal Preference: It is important to choose the one that best suits your playing style and ease of use among different vacuum cleaner models.

Where to Find It?

  • You can find broomball equipment at sporting goods stores.
  • You can also check out sites that sell broomball equipment online.
  • You can go to broomball leagues or gyms and see if they have equipment rental options.

There is no need for expensive equipment to play broomball. However, it is recommended that you provide basic equipment for a safe and comfortable gaming experience.

Broomball Field Features?

Broomball is a fast-paced team sport played on ice, similar in some aspects to ice hockey. Although a broomball rink is slightly smaller than an ice hockey rink, it has similar features.

Here are the main features of the broomball court:


  • The exact dimensions of a broomball court may vary depending on leagues, tournaments, and the ages of the players .
  • In general, a broomball rink is 10% to 20% smaller than an ice hockey rink .
  • A standard broomball court for adults is approximately 56 meters (62 yards) long and 26 meters (85 yards) wide .
  • Broomball courts designed for younger children may be smaller.


  • A broomball rink has several lines, similar to an ice hockey rink.
  • The important lines are:
    • Goal line: The line behind the goal. The ball must pass completely over this line for a goal to be scored.
    • Goal line: It is the line in front of the goal. This line is usually colored blue.
    • Face-off dots: These are the points where the game is restarted. They are located above the center line at both ends of the field.
    • Center line: It is the line that passes through the middle of the field and divides the field into two.

Other Features:

  • The broomball field has security fences or railings around it for the safety of the players.
  • The field must be covered with ice and have a smooth surface.
  • Goals are located at either end of each rink and are formed by net posts, similar to ice hockey goals.
  • Players’ benches may be located on the side of the field.

Differences Between Broomball Field and Ice Hockey Field:

  • A broomball rink is smaller than an ice hockey rink.
  • Broomball rinks do not have the blue line (goal line) usually found in ice hockey rinks.
  • In broomball, unlike ice hockey, players do not have to hit the ice.

Broomball Terms?

Broomball is a fast-paced team sport that is similar to ice hockey but has some differences. To better understand the game, it will be useful to learn some basic broomball terms:

General Terms:

  • Broom: A short-handled broom that players use to control the ball, pass and shoot.
  • Ball: A game ball made of hard plastic or rubber.
  • Goal: The number of points scored into the opposing team’s goal.
  • Goalie: The player who takes the opposing team’s shots.
  • Offense: The team trying to score.
  • Defense: The team trying to prevent the opposing team from scoring points.
  • Face-Off: The kick used to start the game or in case of infringement.
  • Penalty (Foul): Violation of the game rules.
  • Power Play (Advantage): The period when the opposing team plays with fewer points due to a foul.

Number Related Terms:

  • Shot: The act of throwing the ball into the goal by hitting it with a broom.
  • Goalie Save: The goalkeeper meets the shot.
  • Score: The total number of points scored.

Other Important Terms:

  • Icing: When a player hits the ball behind his teammate.
  • Offsides: A situation where a player waits close to the opposing team’s goal until a teammate controls the ball. (It differs from the offside rule in ice hockey.)
  • Clearing: The action of a defensive player clearing the ball from his team’s area.
  • Breakaway: A situation in which the offensive player heads towards the goal alone.
  • Deking: A move to deceive the opponent by hiding the ball with a broom.

Learning broomball terms:

  • It helps you understand the rules of broomball and follow the game better.
  • It allows you to use a common language while developing game strategies with your teammates.
  • It makes it easier for you to understand the terms used by the announcers while watching broomball matches.

Benefits of Broomball?

Broomball provides many benefits other than being a fun and exciting team sport. Whether you play with friends as an amateur or are seriously interested in it, broomball offers you positive effects both physically and mentally.

Physical Benefits:

  • Endurance and Cardio: Broomball is a fast-paced game and players are constantly on the move. This improves endurance by increasing heart rate and respiratory rate.
  • Strength and Muscle Development: Controlling the ball with a sweeper, shooting and competing against other players provides strength and muscle development in the arms, legs and torso.
  • Balance and Coordination: Moving on ice improves balance and coordination skills. Your balance and coordination ability increases thanks to turns, sudden movements and the use of a broom.
  • Speed ​​and Agility: Broomball requires fast runs, sudden stops and changes of direction. This contributes to the development of speed and agility.

Mental Benefits:

  • Teamwork and Communication: Broomball is a team sport and teamwork and effective communication are essential for success. Players must cooperate with each other to develop strategies and communicate throughout the game.
  • Stress Reliever: Physical activity helps reduce stress. Playing broomball is a good way to manage stress and relax mentally because it is fun and exciting.
  • Self-Confidence Booster: By playing Broomball, you improve your skills and contribute to the success of your team. This increases your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Discipline: It is important to follow the rules of broomball and play the game with a fair-play approach. This teaches you to be disciplined and respect the rules.

Broomball in general:

  • It is a sport that people of all ages can enjoy.
  • It offers positive effects on both your physical and mental health.
  • It is a great opportunity to make new friends and socialize.

Broomball Game Rules?

Broomball is a fast-paced team sport played on ice, similar in some aspects to ice hockey. Broomball rules are slightly simpler than ice hockey rules and generally involve less physical contact. Here’s a basic summary of broomball game rules:

Players and Equipment:

  • Each team has 5 to 7 players . Players wear broom heads on their feet and play with sticks.
  • Players must also wear protective equipment such as helmets, elbow pads and knee pads.
  • The goalkeeper uses special protective equipment.

The purpose of the game:

  • The aim of the game is to put the ball into the opponent’s goal and score more goals. If the ball completely crosses the goal line, a goal is scored.

Basic Game Rules:

  • Players can move the ball with broom heads . It is forbidden to carry or hold the ball with hands.
  • Players cannot hit or push opponents .
  • Teams may use a variety of kicks to restart play.
  • If a foul is committed, the referee may award a free kick or penalty kick against the fouling team.
  • The game usually begins with stoppages and begins with the referee’s whistle.
  • Game time usually consists of two halves . The duration of each half may vary by league or tournament.

Other Important Rules:

  • Offsides: There is no offside rule in Broomball.
  • Icing (Off-Ice): If the ball is kicked off the edge of the court, play is stopped and the game is restarted with a restart shot.
  • Timeout: Teams have the right to take a timeout. The number and duration of timeouts may vary by league or tournament.
  • Penalty Strikes: In cases of foul, the referee may award a free kick or penalty kick depending on the severity of the foul.

Frequently Asked Questions?

  1. What is the object of Broomball?

    To strike a ball with specially designed brooms into the opponents net.

  2. What kind of ball is Broomball played with now?

    An inflated ball

  3. What are the current positions in Broomball?

    Goalie, right defense, left defense, center, right wing, left wing

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