Curling Game Rules

Curling, also known as "ice chess", is a two-team winter sport. Players aim to score points by using special tiles on the ice. Requiring strategy, skill and teamwork, curling is an enjoyable and beneficial sport for people of all ages.

Curling is a sport that is beneficial both mentally and physically. It improves strategic thinking, problem solving, focus, memory and learning skills. It improves physical skills such as endurance, strength, coordination, balance and flexibility. It helps relieve stress, teamwork, increase self-confidence and socialize.

What is Curling?

Curling is a team sport played on ice. Two teams of four people try to move round and smooth granite stones closer to the target area (house) by sliding them on the ice. Curling, which requires strategy, skill and teamwork, is also called “chess on ice”.

How to Play Curling?

  • Rink: Curling is played on an ice rink with vertical lines that are 42 meters long and 4.3 meters wide.
  • Stones: Each team has 8 granite stones. The stones weigh about 20 kilograms.
  • Home: The target area drawn in a circular manner at both ends of the track is called “home”. The house consists of four interlocking colored rings.
  • Purpose of the Game: To score points by throwing stones as close to the center of the home area (Tee Line) as possible.
  • Sliding: While throwing stones, the player controls the sliding speed and direction of the stone by cleaning the ice surface with a special brush called sweeping.
  • Rounds: A game usually consists of 8 or 10 rounds. In each round, each team throws 8 stones.
  • Scoring: At the end of the game, the tiles closest to the house score points. At the end of each round, points are added up and the team with more points wins the match.

Interesting Aspects of Curling:

  • Sweeping: The sweeping technique, used to control the sliding speed and direction of the stone, is an important part of curling. By reducing the friction on the ice surface with the broom, the stone is allowed to slide further.
  • Teamwork: Curling requires teamwork to be successful. Team members develop strategy by directing the shooter and help each other with sweeps.
  • Olympic Sport: Curling is a sport that has been included in the Winter Olympic Games since 1998.

History of Curling

Curling is a winter sport that has a long history and requires strategy and skill, also called “Ice Chess”. Here is what is known about the history of curling:

Medieval Scotland Origins:

  • Although the exact origin of curling is unknown, there is strong evidence that the game originated in Medieval Scotland.
  • Paintings by Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel, dated to the 1530s and 1560s, show people playing a game similar to curling on frozen lakes.
  • The first written record is from the Paisley region of Scotland in 1541 and was written by John McQuhin, a notary.

Development and Spread:

  • The game quickly became popular in Scotland and is even known to have been played by the Scottish Parliament in the 16th century.
  • In the 1800s, thanks to Scottish immigrants, curling began to spread to countries such as Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Switzerland.
  • Curling clubs were established and the rules of the game began to be standardized.

Inclusion in the Olympic Games:

  • Curling first appeared as a demonstration sport at the 1924 Winter Olympics.
  • Its acceptance as an official Olympic sport dates back to the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics.
  • Since then, curling has become an essential part of the Winter Olympic Games.

Modern Curling:

  • Today, curling is a sport played professionally by both men and women.
  • International tournaments are organized by the World Curling Federation (WCF).
  • With the development of technology, curling has also experienced innovations in terms of equipment and materials.

Popularity of Curling:

  • Curling continues to increase in popularity in recent years. Its visibility at the Winter Olympics and the strategic and exciting nature of the game are increasing interest in curling.
  • Additionally, curling’s uncomplicated rules and relative ease of learning attract new participants to the sport.

How to Play Curling?

Curling is a team sport played on ice and trying to move granite stones closer to the goal. Curling, also known as “chess on ice,” requires strategy, skill and teamwork.

Game Basics:

  • Teams: Curling is played in two teams of four.
  • Rink: The game is played on an ice rink 42 meters long and 4.3 meters wide, marked with vertical lines.
  • Stones: Each team uses eight granite stones weighing 20 kg.
  • Target: The target area is called “home” and is located at both ends of the track. The house consists of four interlocking colored rings.
  • Purpose: To score points by throwing stones as close to the center of the home area (Tee Line) as possible.


  1. Start of the Game: A coin toss determines which team will throw the first stone.
  2. Rounds: A game usually consists of 8 or 10 rounds. In each round, each team throws 8 stones.
  3. Stone Throwing: One player throws the stone, while other team members control the speed and direction of the stone’s sliding by sweeping the ice.
  4. Scoring: At the end of each round, the tiles closest to the house score points. Each tile is worth one point.
  5. Winner: At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins the match.

Interesting Details of Curling:

  • Sweeping: The sweeping technique used to control the sliding speed and direction of the stone is an important part of curling.
  • Teamwork: Curling requires teamwork to be successful. Team members develop strategy by directing the shooter and help each other with sweeps.
  • Olympic Sport: Curling is a sport that has been included in the Winter Olympic Games since 1998.

If You Want to Try Curling:

If you want to try curling, you can search for sports complexes with curling rinks in your area. Additionally, some ice skating rinks also offer curling opportunities.

How Many People Can Play Curling?

Curling is a sport played by two teams of four people . In each team, one player is assigned to throw the stones, and one player is responsible for using a broom to direct and accelerate the stones. The remaining two players provide tactics and direction to their team to help strategically position the pieces throughout the game.

In curling, four players from each team throw stones and use brooms in a specific order. The stones thrown in this order are called “end” (round). A total of 10 ends are played in a game.

Lineup of Teams:

  • Lead: The player who throws the first stone and positions the stones on the field at the beginning of the game.
  • Second: The player who throws the second stone and tries to protect the lead’s pieces or prevent the opponent’s pieces.
  • Vice-skip: The player who throws the third stone and plays an important role in creating the strategy of the game.
  • Skip: The player who throws the last stone and gives instructions to all players as the captain of the team.

Winning in the Game:

  • At the end of an end, all discarded pieces from both teams move towards the goal called “house”.
  • The team that owns the piece closest to the House wins that end and gets a point.
  • The team that scores the most points in a game wins the game.

Draw Situation:

  • If the pieces from both teams are equal distance from the house in an end, that end is considered a draw and no points are awarded.
  • If both teams have equal points after 10 ends, an overtime end is played. The team with the most points in the overtime end wins the game.

How to Score a Curling Point?

The scoring system in curling is quite simple. Points are determined at the end of each round and at the end of the game.

Scoring Rules:

  • Proximity to Target: Stones closest to the target (Tee Line) score points.
  • Value of Pieces: Each tile is worth one point.
  • Multiple Stones: If more than one stone of a team is close to the target, all their stones score points.
  • Opponent’s Pieces: If any of the opposing team’s pieces are not close to the target, they cannot score points.


  • While 3 pieces of the blue team are close to the target, 2 pieces of the red team are close to the target. In this case, the blue team wins 3 points and the red team wins 2 points.
  • While 4 stones of the green team are close to the target, none of the stones of the yellow team are close to the target. In this case, the green team wins 4 points, while the yellow team gains no points.

End of Game:

At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins the match.

In Case of Equality:

If both teams have the same points, overtime rounds are played. If the tie continues in the extra rounds, the team with the least penalty points wins the game.

Things to Consider About Scoring in Curling:

  • Points are determined at the end of each round and at the end of the game.
  • The tiles closest to the target score points.
  • If more than one piece is close to the target, all pieces score points.
  • If any of the opposing team’s pieces are not close to the target, they cannot score points.
  • In case of a tie, extra rounds are played.

Curling Basic Rules

Curling is a two-team winter sport that requires strategy and skill. The game is also known as “ice chess” and aims to score points by using special pieces on the ice.

Basic Rules:

  • Players: Curling is played by two teams of four players . In each team, one player is assigned to throw the stones, and one player is responsible for using a broom to direct and accelerate the stones. The remaining two players provide tactics and direction to their team to help strategically position the pieces throughout the game.
  • Area: Curling is played on a rectangular ice rink that is 44.2 meters long and 4.72 meters wide. There are circular targets called “houses” at both ends of the track.
  • Stones: Each set contains eight granite stones. The stones weigh approximately 20 kg and are 45 cm in diameter.
  • Throwing: Players throw pieces from a line called the “hack” (squatting line). When throwing the stone, they can only use their hands and arms.
  • Sweeping: After the stones are thrown, teammates can use brooms to guide and accelerate the stones on the ice.
  • Scoring: At the end of an end, all discarded pieces from both teams move towards the house. The team that owns the piece closest to the House wins that end and gets a point. The team that scores the most points in a game wins the game.
  • End: An end is completed by four players from both teams throwing and sweeping stones. A total of 10 ends are played in a game.
  • Draw: If the pieces from both teams are equal distance from the house in an end, that end is considered a draw and no points are awarded. If both teams have equal points after 10 ends, an overtime end is played. The team with the most points in the overtime end wins the game.

Other Rules:

  • Players cannot touch the stones while shooting.
  • Pieces are removed from the game if they move out of the house or out of play.
  • A team may surrender the game before throwing all its pieces.
  • The game is officiated by a referee.

Main Purposes of Curling:

  • Earn points using strategy and planning
  • Throwing and directing stones as close to the house as possible
  • Blocking the opposing teams’ pieces and keeping them away from the house
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with teammates

Benefits of Curling:

  • Improves strategic thinking and problem solving skills
  • Improves hand-eye coordination and balance
  • Increases endurance and strength
  • Improves teamwork and communication skills
  • Provides stress relief and entertainment

Curling Equipment

Curling Equipment

Since curling is a team sport played on ice, equipment is needed that both supports the performance of the players and enables the game to be carried out in an orderly manner. We can list curling equipment as follows:

Equipment Used by Players:

  • Curling Shoes: These are shoes with special soles that prevent slipping on the curling track and provide grip during shooting. One side of the sole is slippery and the other side has retention features. When the player is in the shooting position, the catcher side touches the track, while while sliding, the player turns his foot and uses the slippery side.
  • Sliding Brush (Broom): It is a special brush that players use to control the sliding speed and direction of the stones on the ice. The broom reduces the friction on the ice surface, allowing the stone to slide further or correct its direction. The head of the broom is usually made of horsehair, synthetic materials, or a mixture of both. The handle part is usually wooden.
  • Protective Glove: It is a light glove used to protect the hand during stone throwing. It prevents hand irritation and also provides the player with a better grip.

Equipment Used on the Curling Track:

  • Curling Stones: In curling, where each team uses eight granite stones, the stones weigh approximately 19.96 kg and have a diameter of around 29 cm. There is a handle at the top of the stone and rings at the bottom that allow it to slide on the ice.
  • Starting Right Determination Device (Hack): It is a device used to determine which team will throw the first stone at the beginning of the game. The hack consists of a metal platform and has a slot on it to insert coins.
  • Target Area (Home): It is the circular target area located at both ends of the track. The house consists of four interlocking colored rings. The aim is to throw the stones as close to this area as possible.
  • Track Marking Equipment: Various equipment is used to determine the playing area and lines on the track. These; They are the cones that determine the center line, tee line, hog line and side lines.

Other Equipment Used in Curling Game:

  • Scoreboard: A scoreboard is used where scores are kept and players can follow each other.
  • Counter: Counter is used to keep track of game time and break times.
  • Clothing: Since curling halls generally have a cold environment, it is preferred that players wear thermal underwear and sports clothes that will allow them to move comfortably.

Curling Court Features

Curling Court Features

Curling is a sport played on a specially designed ice rink. The dimensions of the track, the tiles used and other equipment have specific characteristics to make the game fluid and strategic.

Curling Court Features:

  • Dimensions:
    • The curling rink is rectangular in shape and is 44.5 meters long and 4.72 meters wide according to international standards .
    • Both ends of the track are outside the playing area.
  • Ice:
    • The curling rink must be made of high quality ice. The ice should be slippery as players throw and sweep stones, while also allowing the stones to move in a controlled manner.
    • The temperature and humidity of the rink are carefully controlled as they affect the slipperiness of the ice.
  • Hack (Squat line):
    • At each end of the track is a line known as the shooting line. This line is called hack .
    • The hack provides a footrest for players to stabilize their feet while throwing tiles.
    • In front of the hack line, there is a line that prevents players from sliding and shooting.
  • House (Ev):
    • At each end of the track is a circular area known as the target area. This area is called house .
    • The House consists of four concentric rings. The point value given to the stones thrown into each ring is different.
    • The smallest circle in the middle of the house is called a button and gives the highest score.
  • Other Markings:
    • There are various lines and markings on the track to help players position themselves when throwing and sweeping tiles.
    • These lines include the hog line (try line), center line (middle line) and tee line (T line).


  • Stones: Each team uses eight granite stones weighing approximately 20 kg and 45 cm in diameter.
  • Brooms: Players use specially designed brooms to guide and accelerate pieces on the ice.
  • Other equipment: Auxiliary equipment such as starting blocks, shot distance measuring devices and scoreboards can also be found on the curling field.


  • Curling rinks are slippery surfaces and there is a risk of falling. Players must wear special shoes to prevent slipping.
  • Because the stones are heavy, players need to be careful when throwing stones and around teammates carrying them.

Curling rinks are usually located at ice sports complexes or private curling clubs. These halls may include areas such as spectator stands, locker rooms and warm-up areas.

Curling Terms

Curling is a team sport played on ice that requires strategy and skill. Below you can see some basic terms used in curling:

General Terms:

  • End (Round): A portion of a curling game. A game usually consists of 8 or 10 ends.
  • Move: A piece thrown by a player.
  • Team: A group of four players.
  • Throw: The act of sliding the curling stone across the ice.
  • Sweeping: Movement made with a brush used to control the speed and direction of the stone’s slide on the ice.
  • House: The circular target area located at both ends of the track. It consists of four interlocking colored rings.
  • Tee Line: The line right in the middle of the house. The aim is to throw the stones as close to this line as possible.
  • Center Line: The line that divides the track in half.
  • Hog Line: Also known as the shooting line, the line where the shooting player’s foot should stay behind.
  • Hammer: The right to throw the last stone. The team that scores more points in one end has the right to throw the last stone in the next end.
  • Blank End: An end in which no points can be scored.
  • Steal: The end in which the opposing team cannot score any points and all points are won by the shooting team.

Terms Related to Stones:

  • Guard: A stone placed in front of the house to protect a thrown stone.
  • Draw Weight: Speed ​​and distance of throwing the stone.
  • Takeout: A stone thrown to remove the opposing team’s stone from the house.
  • Wick: The movement path of the stone on the ice.

Curling Referees:

  • Umpire (Referee): The person who supervises the implementation of the rules of the game and assists the players.
  • Lead: Also known as the end referee. He is the referee who is at the shooting end of the track and supervises that the shooting is done in accordance with the rules.

Other terms that will help you understand curling better:

  • Bit: A game ending in a tie.
  • Double: Placing two pieces in the same ring of the house.
  • Triple: Placing three stones in the same ring of the house.
  • Quad: Placing four stones in the same ring of the house (not possible).
  • Burned Rock: The stone goes too far and leaves the playing field.
  • Hog Line Violation: The shooting player’s foot crossing the hog line.

Learning the meanings of these terms will make the game of curling more enjoyable and help you understand the strategies better.

Curling Benefits

Curling is a winter sport that is beneficial both physically and mentally. This game, which requires strategy, teamwork and skill, has a positive effect on your health in many ways. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of curling:

Mental Benefits:

  • Strategic Thinking: Curling requires planning shots and blocking opponents’ pieces throughout the game. In this way, it improves your strategic thinking and planning skills.
  • Problem Solving: You need to find solutions to new situations that constantly arise during the game. This improves your problem-solving ability.
  • Focus and Concentration: Curling requires high focus and concentration while shooting shots and following the game strategy. These skills will also be useful in your daily life.
  • Memory: In curling you need to remember shots, pieces positions and strategy throughout the course of the game. In this way, it strengthens your memory.
  • Learning Skills: To play curling, you need to learn new rules and techniques. This improves your learning skills.

Physical Benefits:

  • Stamina: Curling builds stamina by throwing stones throughout an end (round), using a broom, and being on the move throughout the game.
  • Power and Speed: A certain amount of strength is required to throw stones. Additionally, sweeping also requires strength in the arms and some speed.
  • Coordination and Balance: Curling requires both hand-eye coordination and the ability to balance on the ice. These skills benefit you both in the game and in your daily life.
  • Flexibility: Throws and sweeps can increase your body’s flexibility.

Other Benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Curling helps reduce stress as it is an activity that requires focus and strategy development.
  • Teamwork: Curling requires communicating and working together with your teammates to be successful. In this way, it improves your teamwork skills.
  • Self-Confidence: Making successful shots and winning the game in curling can increase your self-confidence.
  • Socializing: Playing curling is a great opportunity to meet new people and spend time in a fun environment.

Is Curling Suitable for All Ages?

Curling is a sport that people of all ages can play. It involves movements that are not physically demanding and is suitable even for seniors or beginners.

If You Want to Try Curling:

  • Research curling clubs in your area. Many curling clubs offer courses for beginners.
  • You can find a lot of information and resources about curling on the internet.
  • Although you need special equipment to play curling, most clubs provide equipment for rental.

Curling Game Rules

Curling is a team sport played on ice and trying to move granite stones closer to the goal. Curling, which requires strategy, skill and teamwork, is also called “chess on ice”.

Players and Teams:

  • Curling is played in two teams of four.
  • Teams have captains and they determine strategy throughout the game.
  • Players take on the roles of shooting, sweeping and directing pieces.

Track and Equipment:

  • Curling is played on an ice rink with vertical lines 42 meters long and 4.3 meters wide.
  • Each team has eight granite stones. The stones weigh about 20 kilograms.
  • Sweeping brushes are used to control the sliding speed and direction of stones.

The purpose of the game:

  • The aim is to score points by throwing stones as close to the center of the home area (Tee Line) as possible.
  • Home is the circular target area located at either end of the track, consisting of four interlocking colored rings.


  • A coin toss determines which team will throw the first stone.
  • A game usually consists of 8 or 10 rounds (ends).
  • In each round, each team throws 8 stones.
  • When throwing stones, a player uses the sweeping brush to control the speed and direction in which the stone slides across the ice.
  • At the end of each round, the tiles closest to the house score points.
  • At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins the match.


  • The tiles closest to the target score points.
  • Each tile is worth one point.
  • If more than one of a team’s pieces are close to the target, all their pieces score points.
  • If any of the opposing team’s pieces are not close to the target, they cannot score points.


  • While throwing stones, the foot of the throwing player cannot exceed the hog line.
  • Pieces cannot enter the home zone without crossing the hog line.
  • Pieces are disqualified if they fall outside the playing field.
  • Players can touch or dislodge opposing pieces.
  • In case of any violation, captains can appeal to the referees.

Things to Consider in Curling:

  • Curling is a sport played in a cold environment. Therefore, it is important for players to dress warmly and take the necessary precautions.
  • Curling is a sport that requires strategy and skill. Therefore, it is important for players to know the rules well and work as a team.
  • Curling is an exciting and enjoyable sport. People of all ages can play curling and enjoy this sport.

More About Curling:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the origin of curling?

    Curling’s origins date back to the 16th century. This sport, which originated in Scotland, has spread to the Netherlands and other European countries. In the 19th century, curling also became popular in Canada and the United States. The first official curling tournament was held in Scotland in 1837. Curling was included as a demonstration sport at the Winter Olympic Games in 1924 and has been an official Olympic sport since 1998.

  • Why are curling stones granite?

    Curling stones are made of granite stone, which has a smooth and hard surface. Granite makes the stone easier to glide and control on ice. In addition, granite gives the stones the necessary weight (about 20 kilograms

  • Why is sweeping important in curling?

    Sweeping is a very important element in curling. After the stone is thrown, the ice surface is cleaned with a broom and the sliding speed and direction of the stone is checked. Sweeping can make the stone move farther, change direction, or slow down. In this way, players can increase their chances of throwing tiles closer to the target.

  • Why do brooms used in curling have a special type of brush?

    Curling brooms are special brushes made from horsehair, synthetic materials, or a mixture of both. The head of the brush reduces the friction on the ice, allowing the stone to slide farther. The handle is generally wooden and offers players a better grip.

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