Bossaball Game Rules

Overall, although Bossaball is a high-risk sport, it can potentially improve some physical and mental abilities. However, to obtain these benefits, it is necessary to deal with Bossaball in a safe environment and under expert supervision.

Music is played in Bossaball matches to keep the players’ rhythm and energy high. In this way, the game becomes even more exciting and exciting.

What is Bossaball?

Bossaball is an exciting and unique team sport that combines volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira. The aim of Bossaball, played on an inflatable court accompanied by music, is to send the ball to the opposing team’s field by jumping with the help of trampolines that allow it to bounce.

Here are the main features of Bossaball:

  • Playground: It is played on an inflatable court. There is a net on both sides of the court, similar to a volleyball net. Trampolines are placed on the edges of the net so that players can jump and hit.
  • Team: Each team is played with 4 or 5 players.
  • Purpose: To bounce the ball into the opposing team’s field and make it touch the ground. A point is scored when the ball passes over the net. Hits made from the trampoline earn more points.
  • Win: The team that scores the most points wins the game.
  • Music: Music is played during Bossaball competitions to keep the players’ rhythm and energy high.

Bossaball is very interesting due to its following features:

  • Mixed Sport: Male and female players can compete together.
  • Exciting and Fluent: Played with music, Bossaball offers a high tempo and fluid gaming experience.
  • Requires Athleticism: Bringing together elements of volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira, Bossaball is a sport that requires agility, strength and coordination.
  • A Unique Experience: Offering a different game structure than other sports, Bossaball creates an interesting experience for the audience.

Bossaball History

Bossaball is a relatively new and interesting team sport. Here’s what you need to know about the history of Bossaball:

Birthplace and Inventor:

  • Bossaball was coined in 2004 by Filip Eyckmans , a Belgian athlete living in Spain.
  • Eyckmans was a tennis player in his youth and a DJ in his spare time.

Formation of the Concept:

  • Influenced by his trips to Brazil, Eyckmans devised this unique sport combining volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira.
  • The name Bossaball is derived from the words “bossa” (style, attitude) and “bol” (ball) and reflects the connection between the energy of the game and Brazilian music and culture.

Development process:

  • The Bossaball concept was developed by Eyckmans between 2003 and 2005.
  • The first Bossaball courts were built in Spain and the sport gradually began to gain traction in Europe.

International Recognition:

  • In recent years, Bossaball has begun to gain popularity around the world, including Asia and South America.
  • The International Bossaball Federation (WBO) has been established and tournaments are held regularly.

Features of Bossaball:

  • Bossaball is a team sport played on a special field containing inflatable trampolines.
  • Players try to pass the ball over a volleyball-style net.
  • Points are earned by passing the ball over the net, moves from trampolines and acrobatics.
  • Music and samba referees are also an important part of the game and motivate the players.

How to Play Bossaball?

Bossaball is an exciting and innovative team sport that blends volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira. The aim of Bossaball, which is played on an inflatable field accompanied by music, is to send the ball to the opposing team’s field by jumping with the help of trampolines that allow it to bounce.

Bossaball Gameplay:

  1. Playground: The game is played on an inflatable field with a net similar to a volleyball net and trampolines on both sides.
  2. Team: Each team consists of 4 or 5 players.
  3. Service: The game begins with one team serving the ball to the opponent’s court. The server must pass the ball from the air to the opposite court over the net without touching the ground.
  4. Passing: Teammates can pass the ball up to 3 times before it touches the ground.
  5. Hit: You can hit the ball from the ground or trampoline to send it over the net to the opposite court. Hits made from the trampoline earn more points.
  6. Scoring: A point is scored when the ball passes over the net.
  7. Win: The team that scores the most points wins the game.

Bossaball Rules:

  • You can pass the ball up to 3 times before it touches the ground.
  • You can hit the ball from the floor or trampoline to send it over the net to the opposite court.
  • You cannot interfere with the opposing team’s players.
  • The ball touching the net does not score a point.
  • When the ball touches the outside of the net or the ground, the opposing team scores a point.

Scoring in Bossaball:

  • You can earn 1 or 3 points with hits from the ground.
  • You can earn 3 or 5 points by hitting the trampoline.
  • You can score points through the opponent team’s mistake.

Features of Bossaball:

  • Mixed Sport: Male and female players can compete together.
  • Exciting and Fluent: Played with music, Bossaball offers a high tempo and fluid gaming experience.
  • Requires Athleticism: Bringing together elements of volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira, Bossaball is a sport that requires agility, strength and coordination.
  • A Unique Experience: Offering a different game structure than other sports, Bossaball creates an interesting experience for the audience.

Additional Information About Bossaball:

  • Bossaball emerged in the Netherlands in 2005.
  • Bossaball leagues and tournaments are organized in many countries around the world.
  • The first Bossaball World Cup was held in 2015.
  • Bossaball is a sport that people of all ages can enjoy.

How Many People Can Play Bossaball?

Bossaball is a sport played by two teams of 3 people .

Each team has a setter, a spiker and a defenseman .

Players work together to spike the ball into the opposing team’s court and perform different acrobatics using inflatable trampolines on the field.

The rules and scoring system of the game are similar to volleyball.

Bossaball is a sport that requires teamwork, coordination, skill and athleticism.

Bossaball may be an ideal choice for those looking for a sports experience full of excitement and fun.

How to Score a Bossaball Number?

There are two basic ways to score points in Bossaball :

1. Passing the Ball Over the Net:

  • A point is scored when the ball touches the opponent’s court over the net.
  • The ball must pass without touching the ground or the net.
  • You can earn 1 or 3 points with hits from the ground.
  • You can earn 3 or 5 points by hitting the trampoline.

2. Thanks to the Error of the Opposing Team:

  • If the opposing team passes the ball more than 3 times, you score a point.
  • If the opposing team touches the ball into the net, you score a point.
  • If the opposing team touches the ball out of the net or on the ground, you score a point.

Additional Information:

  • When serving, the ball must pass over the net and touch the opponent’s court.
  • Players can pass the ball up to 3 times before it touches the ground.
  • You cannot interfere with the opposing team’s players.
  • A team cannot have more than 3 players on the trampoline at the same time.

To score points in Bossaball:

  • Try to make as many hits as possible.
  • Earn more points by hitting shots from the trampoline.
  • Take advantage of the opposing team’s mistakes.
  • Follow the rules and respect the referees’ decisions.

Bossaball Basic Rules

Bossaball is an extremely exciting and fluid team sport inspired by sports such as volleyball, football and gymnastics. The basic rules are as follows:


  • There are 3 players in each team: setter, hitter and defenseman.
  • Teams must use all 4 rotation zones on the field throughout the game.


  • Bossaball is played on a special court that includes inflatable trampolines, a net, and a special area.
  • The field is divided into two and there is a net on each side.
  • Trampolines offer players the opportunity to perform acrobatics.


  • Bossaball uses a ball similar to a volleyball.

The purpose of the game:

  • Scoring points is by spiking the ball into the opposing team’s court or passing it over the net without touching the ground.

Basic Rules:

  • Each team can make a maximum of 3 passes.
  • A player cannot touch the ball twice at the same time.
  • Acrobatic moves performed on trampolines earn points.
  • Points are awarded when the ball touches the net and passes to the other side.
  • If the ball passes to the other side without touching the ground, it scores 3 points, and if it touches the net, it scores 1 point.
  • Acrobatic moves performed on trampolines also earn points.
  • If the ball goes out of bounds or passes under the net, it results in a loss of points.
  • A match consists of 3 sets. The team that wins the first 2 sets to 11 points (with a difference of 2) wins the set, and the team that reaches 15 points (with a difference of 2) in the 3rd set wins the match.

Bossaball Equipment

Bossaball Equipment

Bossaball is a sport played with a unique playing field and special equipment. The following equipment is used in Bossaball to maximize player safety and excitement:

1. Playground:

  • Inflatable Field: Bossaball is played on an inflatable field. This field combines volleyball and football by offering jumping opportunities. The ground is soft and safe.
  • Trampolines: Trampolines, located on the platforms next to the volleyball net on both sides of the field, are one of the most important features of the game. Thanks to these trampolines, players increase their chances of scoring points by making high hits.
  • Volleyball Net: The volleyball net, which divides the field in half, limits the playing area and allows the ball to pass to the opposite side.

2. Other Equipment:

  • Ball: Bossaball uses a ball that resembles a volleyball. Players try to pass the ball over the net.
  • Helmet: Players are required to wear helmets to protect their heads.
  • Knee Pads and Protectors: Knee pads and other protective equipment help protect players’ elbows and knees.

Additionally, it is worth noting that:

  • Bossaball courts are generally portable. In other words, it can be easily set up in tournaments or events, thanks to its inflatable and deflatable feature.
  • The size of the playing field is not standard, but it is usually close to the size of a volleyball court.
  • The inflatable structures and trampolines on the field are generally colorful and eye-catching. This reflects the fun and dynamic nature of Bossaball.

Bossaball Field Features

Bossaball Field Features

Bossaball is an extremely exciting and fluid team sport, inspired by sports such as volleyball, football and gymnastics. The field on which it is played must also have some special features to contribute to this excitement and fluidity.

The main features of the Bossaball field are:


  • A Bossaball court has a standard length of 26 meters and a width of 16 metres.
  • The field is divided into two and there is a net on each side.
  • The placement of trampolines can slightly change these dimensions of the field.


  • The Bossaball field consists of specially designed inflatable floors.
  • These floors allow players to move comfortably and perform acrobatics.
  • The ground should also offer bounce flexibility to the ball.


  • One of the most important features of the Bossaball field is the trampolines placed in different sizes and heights.
  • Trampolines provide players with extra power and elevation when hitting the ball.
  • It also allows players to perform acrobatic moves.


  • A net similar to a volleyball elephant is used on the Bossaball court.
  • The height of the net is 2.43 meters.
  • The net is located in the middle of the field and separates the two teams.


  • The Bossaball field is designed keeping the safety of the athletes in mind.
  • The surroundings and corners of trampolines are protected with special padding.
  • Additionally, the side parts of the field are surrounded by nets.

Bossaball Terms

Bossaball is a team sport that takes elements from different sports and has some unique terms. Here are some terms frequently encountered in Bossaball:

Play ground:

  • Court: Inflatable playground where Bossaball is played.
  • Trampoline: Platforms on both sides of the field that allow players to jump and hit.
  • Net: A net that divides the field in half and resembles a volleyball net.

Game Play:

  • Service: The ball shot that starts the game.
  • Pass: The act of throwing the ball to teammates. There is a rule of making a maximum of 3 passes in Bossaball.
  • Spike: The act of sending the ball over the net to the other side. Hits can be made from the floor or from the trampoline.
  • Short Hit (Touch): A shot made by the player who makes the kick with one hand or forearm.


  • Point: The point earned by passing the ball over the net into the opposing team’s court.
  • Ground Hit Point: 1 or 3 points earned by hits from the ground.
  • Trampoline Hit Point: 3 or 5 points earned by hitting the trampoline.

Other Terms:

  • Team: In Bossaball, a team usually consists of 4 or 5 players.
  • Music: The music played in Bossaball matches to keep the rhythm and energy of the players high.
  • Mixed: Bossaball has mixed teams where male and female players can compete together.

Benefits of Bossaball

Bossaball may not be considered a traditional “wellness activity” because it is not practiced regularly and is a very challenging sport. But there are some physical and mental skills that athletes who engage in Bossaball can develop.

Potential Benefits of Bossaball:

  • Increased Anaerobic Endurance: Bossaball competitions are short and require intense effort. This can improve athletes’ anaerobic endurance by straining their energy systems . Anaerobic endurance is your body’s ability to produce energy in an oxygen-free environment. This provides similar benefits to fast-paced interval training.
  • Explosive Power: In the beginning part of Bossaball, athletes must push forward strongly. This move can improve explosiveness and muscular strength. Explosive power is the ability to generate large amounts of power in a short period of time. This is useful for movements such as sprinting or jumping over an obstacle.
  • Coordination and Balance: Coordination and balance skills are very important to stay balanced at high speeds and bends on the bobsleigh track. Athletes who engage in Bossaball can take these skills to higher levels. The different surfaces and ever-changing flow of play on the Bossaball field constantly challenge you to keep your body balanced and coordinate your movements.
  • Reaction Speed: Trampolines on the Bossaball track: and fast game flow require reacting to rapidly developing situations. This can improve the reaction speed of athletes engaging in Bossaball . Fast response time is beneficial in many sports and activities of daily living.
  • Teamwork: Just like four-person volleyball teams, good teamwork is required to be successful in three-person Bossaball teams. Athletes learn to work in harmony with each other, learn to communicate and improve their strategy development skills.

However, as an important point, Bossaball competitions and training are quite risky. There is a risk of high speeds, dangerous maneuvers and accidents. For this reason, athletes involved in Bossaball go through strict physical and mental training.

Additionally, Bossaball is not an Olympic sport, and those who play this sport professionally usually start at an adult age. Although we have mentioned the benefits of Bossaball, to do this sport safely, it is necessary to have the necessary infrastructure, the supervision of experts and the athletes themselves to be responsible.

Bossaball Game Rules

Bossaball is a team sport full of excitement and dynamism. This sport, which blends football, volleyball, gymnastics and capoeira, is played with its own rules. The main aim of Bossaball is to score points by sending the ball over the net to the opposing team’s court.

Players and Field:

  • Each team consists of 4 or 5 players.
  • The game is played on an inflatable field.
  • There are trampolines on both sides of the field, close to the net.

Start of the Game:

  • The game starts with the serve.
  • The server must pass the ball over the net to the opposite court.


  • Teammates can pass the ball up to 3 times before it touches the ground.
  • You can hit the ball from the floor or trampoline to send it over the net to the opposite court.
  • Hits made from the trampoline earn more points.
  • You cannot interfere with the opposing team’s players.
  • The ball touching the net does not score a point.
  • When the ball touches the outside of the net or the ground, the opposing team scores a point.


  • A point is scored when the ball passes over the net.
  • You can earn 1 or 3 points with hits from the ground.
  • You can earn 3 or 5 points by hitting the trampoline.
  • You can score points through the opponent team’s mistake.


  • The team that scores the most points wins the game.

Other Rules:

  • A team cannot have more than 3 players on the trampoline at the same time.
  • Players must wear protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads.
  • Decisions made by the referees cannot be appealed.

To maximize the excitement and fun in Bossaball:

  • Try to make as many hits as possible.
  • Earn more points by hitting shots from the trampoline.
  • Take advantage of the opposing team’s mistakes.
  • Follow the rules and respect the referees’ decisions.
  • Play enthusiastically with music!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many points can be scored in Bossaball?

    A maximum of 5 points can be scored in Bossaball. This point is earned with a hit from the trampoline. A shot from the ground can earn a maximum of 3 points.

  • Which countries are most successful in Bossaball?

    The most successful countries in Bossaball include the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil and Germany. These countries have achieved significant success in international tournaments and world championships.

  • How many trampolines are there in Bossaball?

    The Bossaball field has 2 trampolines on each side. These trampolines allow players to jump and hit and score more points.

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