Bowls Game Rules?

Badminton court and bowling green also have some similarities but also show some differences as they are games in different areas.

Did you know that bowls is not an Olympic sport? Even though it is an international sport, it is not included in the Olympics.

What is Bowls?

Bowls are a type of shooting sport played on grass, similar to bocce or petanque. Here is more information about bowls: Bowls is a game that is especially popular in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. If you are looking for a sport that requires strategy in a calm environment, you should definitely try bowls!

Historic Bowls?

The history of bowls is quite old and although their origins are not exactly known, they date back to B.C. It is thought to date back to 5000 years ago. Here’s what we know:

Ancient Origins (5000+ Years Ago BC):

  • Evidence comes from B.C. found in Egypt. It involves the discovery of materials that could be used for a bowling-like game in the tomb of a child dating back to 5200 BC.
  • Although this information cannot be verified with certainty, it suggests that the ancestors of the game of bowls may be this old.

Bowls in Europe (Middle Ages – 19th Century):

  • The history of the game of bowls in Europe is revealed more clearly. During the Middle Ages, games similar to bowling became popular in many parts of Europe.
  • These games were usually played in open areas and were played using rounded stones or round objects.
  • In England, bowls became a popular game, especially among the nobility. Even VIII. It is known that kings such as Henry VIII (1491-1547) and James I (1566-1625) also played bowls.

Formation of Modern Bowls (19th Century – Present):

  1. In the 19th century, the game of bowls began to be standardized. Bowling societies were established in England and rules of the game were developed.

Bowls Types:

  • Nowadays, there are many different variations of the game of bowls. The most popular varieties are:
    • Lawn bowls: It is a variety that originated in England and is played on grass.
    • Indoor bowls: It is a type played in closed areas.
    • Short mat bowls: It is a type played on synthetic ground.

Bowls are both a fun and social activity. People of all ages can play bowls, and the game can be learned relatively easily. Millions of people around the world play bowls.

How to Play Bowls?

Bowls is actually a more strategic game than it seems! Here is a guide that will teach you how to play bowls step by step:

Playground and Equipment:

  • Bowls are played on the green, which is a rectangular flat grass field. The green is divided into longitudinal playing areas (“rinks”).
  • Players use round, asymmetrically weighted balls (“bowls”) and a small, white target ball (“jack” or “kitty”). Due to the asymmetrical weight of the bowls, the balls move differently when hit.

Players and Scoring:

  • Bowls can be played in singles or doubles.
  • The aim of the game is to score points by throwing the bowls closest to the jack.
  • In each round, each player throws a certain number of bowls.
  • At the end of the game, the bowls closest to the jack score points. The closer a bowl is to the jack, the more points it earns!


  1. Game Start:
    • In each round, a player gets on a rubber surface called “mat” and rolls the jack to the other end of the green.
    • The jack must remain within the boundaries of the playing field and must not roll beyond the players’ throw line.
  2. Shooting Bowls:
    • Once the jack is positioned, the player whose turn it is to throw picks up the bowls.
    • Standing behind the throwing line, the player lifts the bowl into the air and rolls it in the intended direction.
    • When throwing bowls, attention should be paid to speed, direction and spin (“draw” or “drive”).
  3. Scoring and Continuation of the Game:
    • At the end of each round, the bowls closest to the jack score points.
    • If all bowls on a team are closest to the jack, that team gets all the points.
    • Points are recorded at the end of each round and the team that reaches a predetermined number of points (usually 21) wins the game.

How Many People Play Bowls With?

Bowls is a sport that can be played individually or with teams .

Running bowls:

  • In this type, two players face one-on-one and each player tries to roll a round ball, called a “bowl”, to a specific target to score points.
  • Players play in rounds and throw one bowl each round.
  • The player who collects the most points wins the game.

Team bowls:

  • In this type, two teams of four people each face each other.
  • Each team member takes turns throwing a bowl, making a total of 16 bowls.
  • The team that collects the most points wins the game.

The number of players may vary in different types of Bowls:

  • Triples: Played in teams of three.
  • Fours: Played in teams of four.
  • Rinks: Played in teams of six.

How to Score Bowls?

Scoring in Bowls is pretty simple. The aim is to score points by throwing the balls closest to the jack (kitty) .

Scoring Steps:

  1. End of Round: In a round, each player bowls a certain number of bowls (usually 4).
  2. Determining the Closest Ball: At the end of the round, the bowls closest to the jack are determined.
  3. Rating:
    • If more than one bowl from a team is closest to the jack , that team gets all the points . This situation is called “ all-in ”.
    • If a single bowl is closest to the jack , the team that owns that bowl wins points.
    • Points are recorded on a scoreboard at the end of each round .


  • The blue team throws 4 bowls, 2 of which are closest to the jack.
  • The red team throws 4 bowls, 1 of which is closest to the jack.
  • In this round, the Blue team gets 2 points and the Red team gets 0 points .

Winning the Game:

  • The first team to reach a predetermined number of points (usually 21) wins the game .
  • A team can win the game early by scoring all the points in one round .

Additional Scoring Rules:

  • If a bowl falls into a ditch , that bowl cannot score points .
  • If a bowl touches the jack , that bowl cannot score points .
  • If a bowl is thrown outside the shooting line , that bowl is considered a foul and no points are awarded .

Although scoring in bowls is simple and straightforward, strategy and skill play an important role in the game. To master bowls, you need to learn how to roll balls, give them spin, and hit other bowls.

Bowls Basic Rules?

Although Bowls is basically a fun game with simple rules, there are some important points you need to know. Here are the basic rules of Bowls:

Purpose: Players or teams try to score points by trying to position the “bowls” (balls) they roll as close to the target area (kitty) as possible.

Players: Bowls can be played individually or with teams . Teams usually have four players, but depending on their type, there may also be teams of three people (triples) or six people (rinks) .


  • Players play in rounds. Each round each player rolls a “bowl”.
  • The area where players shoot is called “mate”.
  • The target area is called “kitty”. The kitty usually consists of a small white kitty.
  • While rolling their bowls, players try to get the kitty closer to the target without hitting it or taking the kitty out of the playing field.
  • The player scores points if his bowl is positioned closest to the kitty.
  • If more than one of a player’s bowls are positioned close to the kitty, that player earns more points.
  • In team games, the proximity of all the team’s bowls to the kitty determines the total score.


  • At the end of the game, the player or team with the bowl closest to the kitty wins a point.
  • If a player has more than one bowl closest to the kitty, that player earns points equal to the number of bowls.
  • In team games, the closeness of the bowls of all players in the team to the kitty determines the total score and the team with the highest score wins the round.


  • If the player bowls from outside the mat, it is a foul and he cannot score a point.
  • If a player delays the game and shoots, a foul may occur.
  • If the bowl goes outside the boundaries of the playing area, it is considered a foul.

Game Endings:

  • After the predetermined number of rounds have been played, the player or team with the most points wins the game.

Bowls Equipment?

Bowls Equipment?

To play bowls you basically need four pieces of equipment :

  1. Bowls: Bowls are round and asymmetrically weighted balls. Although they are weighted on the inside and appear round from the outside, they actually have an asymmetrical weight distribution. This asymmetry allows bowls to move differently as they roll. Bowls usually have hard plastic exteriors and rubber interiors.
  2. Jack (Kitty): Jack or kitty is a small, white, aimed ball. Bowls players try to throw their bowls as close to the jack as possible. Jack is usually made of hard plastic.
  3. Mat: Mat is a rubber surface on which the player stands while bowling. The mat is located just behind the bowls’ shooting line and prevents slipping, allowing for a more controlled shot.
  4. Clothing: You should choose clothes that allow you to move comfortably while playing bowls. Flat sneakers with non-slip soles and breathable clothing are ideal. Since bowls are generally grass areas, it is also important to dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

Additional Information About Equipment:

  • Bowls come in different weights and sizes. Beginners should generally choose lighter bowls.
  • Bowls may have various symbols on them that describe the way the bowl moves.
  • Some bowls clubs can rent equipment such as bowls and mats.

Optional Equipment:

  • Glove: You can use a glove to protect your hand while throwing bowls.
  • Sunscreen: Since it is a sport played outdoors, do not forget to apply sunscreen.
  • Hat: You can wear a hat to protect from the sun.

Bowls Terms?

Learning bowls terms will help you understand and watch the game. Here are some basic bowls terms and their meanings:

General Terms:

  • Bowls: These are round and asymmetrically weighted balls.
  • Jack (Kitty): It is a small, white target ball.
  • Mat: It is the rubber floor on which the player stands while shooting bowls.
  • Green: The grass field where the bowls game is played.
  • End: One round of shooting.
  • Head: The part of the playing field where Jack is positioned.
  • Ditch: The depression around the green.
  • Bias: The tendency for bowls to move due to their asymmetrical weight.
  • Match: Bowls game.
  • Set: A portion of the game in which a predetermined score must be reached. Bowls are usually played over a single set.

Shot Types:

  • Draw Shot: Slowly rolling bowl shot with spin.
  • Drive Shot: A shot used to hit other bowls with a fast, straight shot.


  • All-in: If more than one bowl from a team is closest to the jack, that team gets all the points.
  • Shot: A point-winning bowl shot.

Other Terms:

  • Delivery: Bowls shot.
  • Lead: The player who plays first on the bowls team.
  • Second: The player who plays second base on the bowls team.
  • Skip: The player who determines the strategy and makes the last shot in the bowls team.
  • Touch Shot: A precision shot used to gently roll bowls to lightly touch another bowl.
  • Weight: Bowls’ throwing speed.

Bowls Field Features?

Bowls Field Features?

The bowling green should have many features necessary to provide a comfortable and enjoyable bowling experience for the players. These features ensure that the game is safe, played fairly, and that players have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Field Size:

  • Length: 5.49 m (18 ft 0 in)
  • Width: 2.13 m (7 ft 0 in)
  • Heel to median line: 3.76 m (12 ft 6 in)
  • Wall against median line: 2.20 m (7 ft 3 in)
  • Stopping area: 3.80 m (12 ft 6 in)

Field Ground:

  • Hardening level: 8 – 11 kg/s
  • Humidity: 30% – 50%

Stop Area:

  • Varies depending on heel position.
  • In general, it should have a solid and flat surface.
  • It should not be hard or slippery.
  • It should be easy to position the ball and be sufficient to protect the ball.

Other Features:

  • Presence of irrigation system: Although we assume that bolls do not need irrigation, the irrigation system can be used in the playground.
  • Design: The field does not need to be sloped or flat. The main thing is that players can move comfortably to roll the bowling ball and position the ball closest to the target area and that there is enough space to protect the ball.
  • Net: Should be covered with any material or placed high.
  • Referees: They must be equipped with standard equipment and perform duties that ensure the safety of the game.

Benefits of Bowls?

Bowls is an enjoyable sport that is played in a calm environment and provides both mental and physical benefits. Here are the main benefits of playing bowls:

Physical Benefits:

  • Light Cardio: Bowls provide a moderate cardio workout even if you play the game at a slow pace. During the game, you move gently as you bowl and walk on the green.
  • Coordination and Balance: Playing bowls improves hand-eye coordination and balance to maintain correct form when throwing bowls and rolling them in the intended direction.
  • Flexibility: To throw bowls, you need to rotate and lean your body slightly, which helps increase your flexibility.
  • Light Muscle Strength: You use your arm and shoulder muscles to throw bowls. Playing bowls regularly can help strengthen these muscle groups.

Mental Benefits:

  • Strategy and Concentration: Bowls require strategy development and planning your shots to win the game. During the game you need to concentrate and focus on making the right shot.
  • Stress Reliever: Bowls is a mentally relaxing activity played in a calm environment. During the game, you can get away from daily hustle and bustle and relieve stress.
  • Socializing: Since bowls is a sport usually played as a team or against other players, it provides a great opportunity to socialize and meet new people.

Other Benefits:

  • Suitable for All Ages: Bowls is a safe and accessible sport that people of all ages can play. It is not physically demanding and even beginners can easily learn the game.
  • Outdoor Activity: Bowls are often played outdoors, which allows you to get vitamin D and be surrounded by nature.

If you are looking for a sport that is played in a quiet environment and is beneficial both physically and mentally, you should definitely try bowls!

Bowls Game Rules?

The basic rules of Bowls are actually quite simple, but there are some nuances as there are different variations of the game. Here are the general rules you need to know:

Purpose: Players or teams try to score points by positioning the “bowls” (balls) they roll as close to the target area (“kitty”) as possible.

Players: Bowls can be played individually or with teams . Teams usually have four players, but depending on their type, there may also be teams of three people (triples) or six people (rinks) .


  • Players play in rounds. Each round each player rolls a “bowl”.
  • The area where players shoot is called “mate”.
  • The target area is called “kitty”. The kitty usually consists of a small white kitty.
  • While rolling their bowls, players try to get the kitty closer to the target without hitting it or taking the kitty out of the playing field.
  • The player scores points if his bowl is positioned closest to the kitty.
  • If more than one of a player’s bowls are positioned close to the kitty, that player earns more points.
  • In team games, the proximity of all the team’s bowls to the kitty determines the total score.


  • At the end of the game, the player or team with the bowl closest to the kitty wins a point.
  • If a player has more than one bowl closest to the kitty, that player earns points equal to the number of bowls.
  • In team games, the closeness of the bowls of all players in the team to the kitty determines the total score and the team with the highest score wins the round.


  • If the player bowls from outside the mat, it is a foul and he cannot score a point.
  • If a player delays the game and shoots, a foul may occur.
  • If the bowl goes outside the boundaries of the playing area, it is considered a foul.

Game Endings:

  • After the predetermined number of rounds have been played, the player or team with the most points wins the game.

Differences According to Bowls Types:

  • Lawn bowls: The most common type. In general, the above rules apply.
  • Indoor bowls: The rules are similar to lawn bowls, but there may be some differences depending on the gaming hall environment.
  • Short mat bowls (synthetic ground bowls): It is a type played at a shorter distance. Game time is shorter and there may be some changes to the rules.

Other Differences:

  • In some bowls, players may try to hit the kitty. In this case, scoring may change depending on the kitty’s position as a result of the hit.
  • Before the game starts, players decide on the direction of throwing the bowls and the game continues in that direction.
  • The firing order changes each round.

If you are planning to play bowls, it will be useful to learn the rules thoroughly according to the type of bowls you will play.

Frequently Asked Questions?

  1. What is the Origin of Bowls?

    The origins of bowls date back to ancient times and although it is not known for certain, they date back to B.C. It is thought to date back to 5000 years ago. It is located in Egypt and dates back to B.C. The discovery of materials that could be used for a bowling-like game in the tomb of a child dating back to 5200 BC supports this idea. Bowling-like games were also played in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the modern game of bowls began to be standardized in the 19th century.

  2. How Many People Can Play in Bowls?

    Bowls can be played individually or with teams. Teams usually have four players, but depending on their type, there may also be teams of three people (triples) or six people (rinks).

  3. What are the Different Types of Bowls?

    The most common types of bowls are:
    – Lawn bowls: It is a variety that originated in England and is played on grass.
    – Indoor bowls: It is a type of game played in closed areas.
    – Short mat bowls (synthetic ground bowls): It is a type played on synthetic ground.
    Apart from these, there are other games similar to bowls such as American bowls, bocce and petanque.

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