Dodgeball Game Rules

There is no single answer to the question of how many people can play dodgeball. The number of players may vary depending on the organizers of the game and the league played.

Although the origins of dodgeball are not clearly known, it is clear that the game has a long history. Dodgeball, which has transformed from a deadly game into an entertaining sport, is played with pleasure by many people today.

What is Dodgeball?

Dodgeball is a fast-paced team sport in which two teams attempt to hit players by throwing balls at each other, while also protecting their own players from getting hit. If players hit each other or catch the ball, the opposing team loses points.

Here’s more information about the Dodgeball game:

Players and equipment:

  • Dodgeball is usually played by two teams of 6 players.
  • Players try to hit the other team by throwing the balls they receive to each other.
  • The ball used during the game is usually made of soft rubber.

Play ground:

  • The dodgeball playing field is divided in half by the center line.
  • Every team has its own side.
  • Balls that go outside the boundaries of the playing field are removed from the game.

The purpose of the game:

  • Shooting or knocking out all players of the opposing team.
  • Catching the ball in the hands of the opposing team’s players.

Game rules:

  • Players cannot cross the opposing side’s playing area.
  • After players catch the ball, you can throw it by taking a certain number of steps (Rules may vary depending on where you play).
  • Once a player is hit, they are out of the game or may have to wait in a designated area (The game may vary depending on where you play).

Benefits of Dodgeball:

  • Dodgeball is a fun and exciting team sport.
  • It provides cardio exercise and improves your reflexes.
  • Improves strategy development and teamwork skills.

How to Play Dodgeball?

The rules and gameplay of dodgeball may vary slightly depending on where you play. You can learn the basic rules for playing games with your friends, but if you plan to participate in an official tournament, you need to study the rules of that tournament.

Dodgeball History

Although the origins of dodgeball are not fully known, two different views stand out:

1. Early Times and Deadly Game:

  • According to some sources, the history of dodgeball dates back to 3000 BC. It is thought to be a deadly game played by African tribes during this period by throwing rocks or hard objects at each other.
  • Since the aim of this game is to injure or kill the opponent, it has little resemblance to today’s dodgeball.

2. Birth of Modern Dodgeball:

  • According to the more accepted view, the origins of modern dodgeball date back to the 19th century.
  • It is thought that the tradition of shooting arrows and bolts in pubs in England evolved into dodgeball over time.
  • Although dodgeball played during this period was still a rough game, it ceased to be deadly and became safer.

Development of Dodgeball:

  • In 1884, Dr. A Christian missionary named James Carlisle brought the game dodgeball with him when he returned to England from Africa.
  • Dr. Carlisle helped popularize the game by teaching a safer version to his students.
    1. In the 19th century, dodgeball became common in school physical education classes in the United States.
  • As technology develops, game equipment has also been improved and game rules have become safer.
  • Today, dodgeball is a popular sport and recreational activity in schools and among adults alike.

How to Play Dodgeball?

Dodgeball is a fun and fast-paced game in which two teams throw balls at each other, trying to hit players while also protecting their own players from getting hit. The game is won by eliminating or removing all players of the opposing team.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play Dodgeball:

Players and Equipment:

  • Dodgeball is usually played by two teams of 6 players.
  • Players use balls made of soft rubber to throw to each other.
  • The middle line is needed to distinguish the playing field.

Play ground:

  • The playing field is divided in two by a line passing through the middle. Every team has its own side.
  • Balls that go outside the boundaries of the playing field are usually out of play. In some games, balls touching the boundary line may be counted. Rules may vary depending on where you play.

The purpose of the game:

  • Shooting all the players of the opposing team and taking them out of the game.
  • Catching the ball in the hands of the opposing team’s player. In both cases, the opposing team loses points.

Game rules:

  • Players cannot cross the opposing side’s playing field .
  • After players catch the ball, they can throw it by taking a certain number of steps. This number is usually between 1-3 steps . Rules may vary depending on where you play.
  • After a player is shot, they may be out of the game or forced to wait in a designated area (such as a prison zone). The manner in which the struck player rejoins the game may also vary depending on the rules.
  • To hit a player, you must hit directly. Hitting with bouncing balls does not count (may vary depending on where played).
  • Players may not deliberately trip or push each other .

Start of the Game:

  • Before the game starts, each team stands behind the line on its side of the playing field.
  • A specified number of balls are placed on the center line (usually 6).
  • When the referee blows the whistle to start the game, the players run to the center line to collect the balls.


  • The team wins the game when all the players of the opposing team are shot out of the game or are caught with the ball in their hands.

Variants of Dodgeball:

  • There are many variations of dodgeball. In some variants, the playing fields may not be divided or the number of players may differ.
  • In some games, players who are hit can rejoin the game with the balls caught by their teammates.

The best way to play dodgeball is to get together with your friends and start playing the game using the basic rules. You can adapt the rules to your own and make your gaming experience fun. If you are considering participating in an official tournament, you should review the specific rules of that tournament.

How Many People Can Play Dodgeball?

The minimum and maximum number of players in Dodgeball may vary depending on the organizations organizing the game and the league played.


  • Minimum: Each team must have at least 5 players.
  • Maximum: Each team can have a maximum of 7 players.

In some cases:

  • In schools or amateur leagues: It can be played with 5 or 6 players on each team.
  • In professional leagues: It is played with 6 or 7 players in each team.
  • In youth leagues: It can be played with 4 or 5 players in each team.

Increasing the number of players:

  • It allows the play area to grow and more space to move.
  • It provides more strategy and competition between teams.
  • It makes the game more exciting and enjoyable.

Decreasing the number of players:

  • It shrinks the playing area and provides a more intense gaming experience.
  • It increases the importance of individual skills and the ability to make quick decisions.
  • It makes the game more fast-paced and action-packed.

How to Score a Dodgeball Point?

There are several different ways to score in dodgeball:

1. Hitting Opposing Team Players:

  • The most common method of scoring in dodgeball is to hit opposing team players.
  • You can score by throwing the ball directly at an opponent and hitting it.
  • In some rules, hitting with bouncing balls is also considered a score, while in others a direct hit is required.

2. Catching the Ball from the Opposite Team’s Hand:

  • Catching the ball thrown by the opposing team player while it is in the air also scores a point.
  • In this way, you can both deprive your own team of a player and prevent the opposing team from scoring.

3. Special Rules:

  • In some versions of Dodgeball, a player who has been hit may have to have his teammates grab the ball to get back into the game.
  • In this case, you can score a point by grabbing the ball and bring back your teammate who is out of the game.
  • Game rules may vary depending on where you play. If you are considering participating in an official tournament, you should review the rules of that tournament.

Things to Consider When Scoring in Dodgeball:

  • Once a hit player leaves the game, the point does not count.
  • The player must be hit before leaving the game.
  • The player catching the ball must control the ball before it leaves the field and must not drop it on the ground.
  • The referees’ decisions have the final say in the game.

Scoring in Dodgeball:

  • The number system in dodgeball is generally simple. A point is awarded for each opposing player hit or caught.
  • The team that scores the most points wins the game.
  • In some games, the first team to reach a certain number of points wins the game.

In summary:

In order to score in dodgeball, you must hit the opposing team’s players or catch the ball in their hands. Game rules and scoring system may vary depending on where you play. The most important thing when playing dodgeball is to have fun and teamwork!

Dodgeball Basic Rules

Dodgeball is a fun and active game in which two teams try to eliminate by throwing balls at each other. We can summarize the basic rules of the game as follows:

Players and Area:

  • Each team plays with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 players. The number of players may vary depending on the game organizers and the league.
  • The game is played on a rectangular field. There is a line in the middle of the field where both teams can stand at equal distance.

Game Ball:

  • A ball made of soft rubber that will not harm players is used.

The purpose of the game:

  • The aim of the game is to eliminate all the opposing team’s players or have more players at the end of the game.


  • If a player is hit by the ball or the player catches the ball, that player is eliminated.
  • If the ball touches the ground before hitting the player, the player is not eliminated.
  • A player is not eliminated if he is hit by the ball caught by a teammate.

Shooting Rules:

  • Players must throw the ball with one hand.
  • Your feet must be on the ground when throwing the ball. (Some leagues may have rules that allow jumping shots.)
  • Shots must be made towards the target player. Headbutting is prohibited.


  • When a team eliminates a player, he goes to the free agent zone outside his team’s playing area.
  • If the team’s remaining players manage to eliminate an opposing player, the teammate in the free agency zone can return to the game. (In some rules, a player may not return until an entire team has been eliminated.)


  • When all players of the opposing team are eliminated or game time runs out, the team with more players wins the game.

Other Important Rules:

  • Players are prohibited from hitting, tripping, or deliberately obstructing each other.
  • Hiding or stalling the ball is prohibited.
  • Decisions made by the referee or game official are final.

Dodgeball Equipment

Dodgeball Equipment

You don’t need complicated equipment in dodgeball. You basically only need two things to play the game:

  • Players: Dodgeball is usually played with two teams of 6 players . You can also play with more players, but it is necessary to adjust the number of players according to the width of the playing field.
  • Balls: The balls used in dodgeball must be made of soft rubber . Otherwise, balls thrown to players may cause injuries. The size and weight of the balls may vary depending on the age and experience of the players.

Other Equipment (Optional):

  • Playing Field Markings: You can use colored tape or chalk to divide the dodgeball playing field in half with the center line.
  • Vests: Different colored vests may be worn to distinguish teams when playing dodgeball. This can be especially useful in crowded tournaments.

Where to Find Dodgeball Equipment?

  • You can usually find dodgeballs and the materials needed to mark the playing field at sporting goods stores.
  • You can purchase vests online or from clothing stores.

Important note:

There is no need for expensive equipment in dodgeball. You can play the game with basic materials and have fun. Pay attention to safety while playing and do not play with hard balls.

Dodgeball Field Features

Dodgeball Field Features

Dodgeball is a sport usually played indoors. The characteristics of the playing field may vary depending on the number of players and which league or rules it is played by. However, here is what you need to know in general for the dodgeball field:

Area Shape:

  • Dodgeball is played on a rectangular field.

Area Size:

  • The size of the field may vary depending on the number of players and the league.
  • Generally:
    • Adults: 20 meters x 10 meters (minimum)
    • Youth: 15 meters x 8 meters (minimum)
    • In situations such as school physical education, the space may be even smaller.

Field Lines:

  • Boundary lines: These are the lines that limit the area. If the ball touches these lines, it is considered out of play.
  • Center line: Divides the playing field in half. Players from both teams start on their side of the center line.
  • Free throw line: It is the line located on each team’s own side and parallel to the center line. Players must shoot from behind this line. The distance between the shooting line and the center line is usually 2-3 meters.
  • Free player zones: These are lines located at both ends of the playing field and parallel to the boundary line. Eliminated players wait in this area.

Other Features:

  • The floor should not be slippery. It is important that the floor is made of non-slippery material to reduce the risk of falling and injury.
  • There should be no poles, columns or fixed objects on the area that would prevent playing dodgeball. There should be no obstacles that restrict the players’ movement area.
  • Adequate lighting should be provided. Adequate lighting is essential for players to see each other and the ball clearly.

Dodgeball Terms

Let’s learn some basic terms in Dodgeball that will help you understand the game:

General Terms:

  • Player: The person who plays dodgeball.
  • Team: Groups of players competing against each other in Dodgeball. Dodgeball is usually played with teams of 6 players.
  • Ball: A soft rubber ball that players throw to each other.
  • Center Line: The line that divides the playing field into two. Players generally cannot cross the opposing side’s playing field.
  • Jail: A part of the playing field where players who are hit have to wait (Used in some games).
  • Hit: Throwing the ball to the opposing player and not hitting him.
  • Catch: Catching the ball flying in the air.
  • Point: The point earned by hitting the opposing team player or catching the ball in their hands.
  • Referee: The person who supervises the application of the game rules.

Game Play Terms:

  • Service: The process of throwing the balls placed on the center line to start the game.
  • Dodge: The player avoids being hit by 躲避 (duǒ bì – dodge) the ball thrown at him.
  • Shot: The act of throwing the ball to the opposing player.
  • Out: The ball goes out of the field of play. (May vary depending on where played)
  • Revive: Re-entering the game of the player who was hit (Used in some games).

Other Terms:

  • Dead Ball: A ball that is out of play. (Usually these are balls that go out of the playing field.)
  • Live Ball: The ball actively used in the game.
  • Strategy: The plan developed to win the game.
  • Teamwork: Players work together to protect each other and score points.

Benefits of dodgeball

Beyond being a fun and exciting game, dodgeball provides many benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some important benefits that playing dodgeball can give you:

Physical Benefits:

  • Improves cardiovascular health: Dodgeball is a fast-paced game that includes movements such as running, jumping, and shooting. These movements improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and blood circulation.
  • Strengthens hand-eye coordination: Trying to hit the target while throwing the ball and avoiding incoming balls improves hand-eye coordination.
  • Increases agility and balance: Constantly moving, making sudden turns and trying to stay balanced in the dodgeball game improves agility and balance.
  • Increases muscle strength and endurance: Dodgeball is an activity that exercises all body muscles. Shooting, catching the ball, running and jumping during the game increase muscle strength and endurance.
  • Helps with weight control: Dodgeball is a brisk activity that accelerates calorie burning and helps burn fat. Playing dodgeball regularly can help you stay at a healthy weight.

Mental Benefits:

  • Reduces stress and relaxes: Playing dodgeball is a fun and exciting activity. You can get away from stress and relax your mind during the game.
  • Improves teamwork and communication: Since Dodgeball is a team game, you learn to cooperate, strategize and communicate with your teammates.
  • Improves quick decision-making ability: In the Dodgeball game, it is necessary to act quickly and make instant decisions against incoming balls. This improves the ability to make quick decisions.
  • Builds self-confidence: Making successful shots, eliminating your teammates and performing well in the game increases your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improves reflexes: In the Dodgeball game, it is necessary to react quickly to incoming balls. This helps develop reflexes.

Social Benefits:

  • Provides the opportunity to meet new people and make friends: Dodgeball is a sport usually played as a team. In this way, you can meet new people and expand your social circle.
  • ** is a fun activity:** It is an enjoyable and entertaining activity that you can play with your friends.

You don’t need any special skills to start playing dodgeball. People of all ages can enjoy these benefits by playing dodgeball. If you want to get in shape and socialize in a fun way, you can consider joining a dodgeball team or playing dodgeball with your friends.

Dodgeball Game Rules

Dodgeball has basic rules, but some details may vary depending on where you play. If you want to play a fun game with your friends, you can learn the basic rules. If you are going to participate in an official tournament, you need to review the special rules of that tournament.

Here are the basic game rules of Dodgeball:

Players and Playground:

  • Dodgeball is usually played by two teams of 6 players . You can also play with more players, but it is necessary to adjust the number of players according to the width of the playing field.
  • The playing field is divided in two by the center line. Every team has its own side.
  • Balls that go outside the boundaries of the playing field are usually out of play. In some games, balls touching the boundary line may be counted.

The purpose of the game:

  • Shooting all the players of the opposing team and taking them out of the game.
  • Catching the ball in the hands of the opposing team’s player. In both cases, the opposing team loses points.

Basic Game Rules:

  • Players cannot cross the opposing side’s playing field .
  • After players catch the ball, they can throw it by taking a certain number of steps. This number is usually between 1-3 steps . Rules may vary depending on where you play.
  • After a player is shot, they may be out of the game or forced to wait in a designated area (such as a prison zone). The manner in which the struck player rejoins the game may also vary depending on the rules.
  • To hit a player, you must hit directly. Hitting with bouncing balls does not count (may vary depending on where played).
  • Players may not deliberately trip or push each other .

Start of the Game:

  • Before the game starts, each team stands behind the line on its side of the playing field.
  • A specified number of balls are placed on the center line (usually 6).
  • When the referee blows the whistle to start the game, the players run to the center line to collect the balls.


  • The team wins the game when all the players of the opposing team are shot out of the game or are caught with the ball in their hands.

Dodgeball Types:

  • There are many variations of dodgeball. In some variants, the playing fields may not be divided or the number of players may differ.
  • In some games, players who are hit can rejoin the game with the balls caught by their teammates.

Things to Consider in Game Rules:

  • Dodgeball rules may vary depending on where you play. If you are going to play with your friends, you can adapt the rules to suit yourself.
  • If you are going to participate in an official tournament, be sure to review the rules of that tournament.
  • Pay attention to safety and follow the rules while playing games.

Dodgeball is a fun and active team sport. Once you learn the rules, you can get together with your friends and start playing the game!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is the world’s largest Dodgeball tournament held?

    The biggest Dodgeball tournament in the world is the “World Dodgeball Championships” held every year in Australia. This tournament, with more than 500 teams from more than 50 countries participating in 2023, is one of the most prestigious organizations in Dodgeball sports.

  • Who is the player who scores the most points in Dodgeball?

    According to Guinness World Records, the person who scored the most points in a single game in Dodgeball is Ryan “The Machine” Bennison, with 123 points in a tournament held in Australia in 2010.

  • What is the fastest pitch speed in dodgeball?

    According to Guinness World Records, the fastest shot speed in Dodgeball belongs to David “D-Shot” Mueller with 107 mph (172 km/h) in a tournament held in the USA in 2019.

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